UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.
UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.
Title: Nondestructive Evaluation of Pavement Structural Condition for Rehabilitation Design Author(s): Dr. Hao Wang Publication Year: 2016 Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) is the common non-destructive testing method for in-situ evaluation of pavement condition. This study aims to develop finite element (FE) models that can simulate FWD loading on pavement system and capture the… |
Title: Analysis of Curved Weathering Steel Box Girder Bridges in Fire Author(s): Reeves Whitney Publication Year: 2016 Box girder bridges are becoming more common because of their ease of construction, pleasing aesthetics, and serviceability. Projects with curved configuration and long spans can especially benefit from these advantages. However, the industry… |
Title: Analysis of Curved Weathering Steel Box Girder Bridges in Fire Author(s): Reeves Whitney Publication Year: 2016 This study examined the performance of curved weathering steel bridges in fire. Bridge fires can present a severe hazard to the transportation infrastructure system. In fact, a nationwide survey by the New York State Department of Transportation… |
Title: Port Resilience: Overcoming Threats to Maritime Infrastructure and Operations from Climate Change Author(s): Dr. Thomas H. Wakeman III, Dr. Jon Miller Publication Year: 2015 In the coastal zone, seaports and their intermodal connectors are key types of infrastructure that support the global supply chain, provide regional economic activity, local transportation system services, and community jobs. The protection of… |
Title: Environmental Impacts of Oil and Gas Brine Applications for Dust and Ice Control in New York Author(s): Jessica Wilson Publication Year: 2015 Transportation agencies are required to treat roads for dust and ice control to ensure adequate safety for travelers. This is commonly achieved through application of solid and liquid chemicals. These materials can be conventional rock salt,… |
Title: Environmental Impacts of Oil and Gas Brine Applications for Dust and Ice Control in New York Author(s): Jessica Wilson Publication Year: 2015 Transportation agencies are required to treat roads for dust and ice control to ensure adequate safety for travelers. This is commonly achieved through application of solid and liquid chemicals. These materials can be conventional rock salt,… |
Title: Finite Element Simulation of Truck Impacts on Highway Bridge Piers Author(s): Dr. Anil Agrawal Publication Year: 2016 Recent studies show that the dynamic forces because of truck impacts may be significantly higher than the 600kips force recommended by the AASHTO. Hence, there is a need to carry out detailed investigations on vehicular-bridge collision for a… |
Title: Modeling Emissions and Environmental Impacts of Transportation Activities Associated with High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Marcellus Shale Formation Author(s): Dr. Karl Korfmacher Publication Year: 2016 Our initial UTRC research project identified routes and road segments with predicted high volumes of truck traffic related to natural gas extraction in the Marcellus Shale region. Results also generated annual estimates of pollution emissions per… |
Title: Modeling Emissions and Environmental Impacts of Transportation Activities Associated with High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Marcellus Shale Formation Author(s): Dr. Karl Korfmacher Publication Year: 2015 Prior research using the GIFT model generated annual emission totals and truck count estimates for routes and road segments associated with the transport of materials and wastes from natural gas wells in the Marcellus Shale region. Road segments… |
Title: Investigating Temporal Effects on Truck Accident Occurrence and Severity Level in New York City Author(s): Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang Publication Year: As one of the major causes of fatalities and injuries in the U.S., motor vehicle crashes and their influential factors have been analyzed extensively in the last few decades. However, most existing studies on crashes primarily focus on passenger… |
Title: Port Resilience: Overcoming Threats to Maritime Infrastructure and Operations from Climate Change Author(s): Dr. Thomas H. Wakeman III, Dr. Jon Miller Publication Year: 2015 In the coastal zone, seaports and their intermodal connectors are key types of infrastructure that support the global supply chain, provide regional economic activity, local transportation system services, and community jobs. The protection of… |
Title: Nitrogen Dioxide Sequestration Using Demolished Concrete and its Potential Application in Transportation Infrastructure Development Author(s): Dr. Alexander Orlov Publication Year: 2016 Achieving environmental sustainability of the US transportation infrastructure via more environmentally sound construction is not a trivial task. Our proposal, which addresses this critical area, is aiming at transforming concrete, the material… |
Title: Optimizing Work Zones for Highway Maintenance with Floating Car Data (FCD) Author(s): Dr. Steven I-Jy Chien, Dr. Kyriacos Mouskos Publication Year: 2015 One of the main tools that the Department of Transportation (DOT) of each state in the United States should have to support their work zone activities is a sound model that produces adequate work zone schedules for roadway maintenance and… |
Title: Effective and Equitable Supply of Gasoline to Impacted Areas in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster Author(s): Dr. Rajan Batta, Dr. Changhyun Kwon, Alok Baveja Publication Year: 2016 The focus of this project was on supplying gasoline after a natural disaster. There were two aspects for this work: determination of which gas stations should be provided with generators (among those that do not have electric power) and… |
Title: Analyzing Willingness to Improve the Resiliency of New York City’s Transportation System Author(s): Dr. Ricardo A. Daziano Publication Year: 2015 Hurricane Sandy revealed the higher-risk vulnerability to natural hazards of civil infrastructure systems in coastal megacities such as New York. In particular, critical deficiencies in the NYC metropolitan area’s transportation system emerged… |
Title: Analyzing Willingness to Improve the Resiliency of New York City’s Transportation System Author(s): Dr. Ricardo A. Daziano Publication Year: 2015 The goal of this project is to provide statistical inference for the community’s willingness to pay for improvements in the resiliency to extreme events of the transportation system in New York City. This objective seeks to provide better tools… |
Title: Demonstrating Urban Outdoor Lighting for Pedestrian Safety and Security Author(s): Dr. John Bullough, Dr. Mark Rea Publication Year: 2015 Pedestrian safety is a critical element of urban transportation. A review of published literature, as well as real-world demonstration activities, indicate that bollard-level crosswalk lighting has excellent potential for enhancing pedestrian… |
Title: Demonstrating Urban Outdoor Lighting for Pedestrian Safety and Security Author(s): Dr. John Bullough Publication Year: 2015 Pedestrian safety is a critical element of urban transportation. A review of published literature, as well as real-world demonstration activities, indicate that bollard-level crosswalk lighting has excellent potential for enhancing pedestrian… |
Title: Techniques for Information Extraction from Compressed GPS Traces Author(s): Dr. Catherine T. Lawson, Feng Chen, Dr. Jeong-Hyon Hwang, Dr. Sekharipuram S. Ravi Publication Year: 2015 Developing techniques for extracting information requires a good understanding of methods used to compress the traces. Many techniques for compressing trace data consisting of position (i.e., latitude/longitude) and time values have been… |
Title: Characterization and Modeling of Photon Absorption on Asphalt Materials for Improved Accuracy and Consistency of Nuclear Density Measurement Author(s): Dr. Huiming Yin, Qian Wang Publication Year: 2015 Although the nuclear density method has been widely used in the compaction measurement of both soils and asphalt pavements, its accuracy for asphalt pavements is not as good as that for soils. Due to this issue, many disputes have incurred in… |