UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.
UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.
Title: Data Collection and Econometric Analysis of the Demand for Nonmotorized Transportation Author(s): Dr. Ricardo A. Daziano Publication Year: 2014 In this project, we derived a latent class model with a class assignment mechanism based on the latent bicycle status of the respondent. Two segments were identified: more-skilled and experienced cyclists, versus less… |
Title: Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Cement Free Concrete (CFC) for Pavement and Bridge Deck Application Author(s): Dr. Sulapha Peethamparan Publication Year: 2014 A comprehensive study was performed to develop energy efficient and environmentally friendly alkali-activated cement-free concrete mixtures for pavement and bridge deck applications using sodium silicate-activated fly ash and slag as the sole… |
Title: Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Cement Free Concrete (CFC) for Pavement and Bridge Deck Application Author(s): Dr. Sulapha Peethamparan Publication Year: 2014 Alkali-activated concrete (AAC) is an emerging technology in the construction materials sector. Cement-free AAC is a promising environmentally-friendly alternative to ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete. A comprehensive study was performed by… |
Title: Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Cement Free Concrete (CFC) for Pavement and Bridge Deck Application Author(s): Dr. Sulapha Peethamparan Publication Year: 2014 A comprehensive study was performed to develop energy efficient and environmentally friendly alkali-activated cement-free concrete mixtures for pavement and bridge deck applications using sodium silicate-activated fly ash and slag as the sole… |
Title: Co-monitoring for Transit Management Author(s): Dr. Mitchell L. Moss, Sarah Kaufman Publication Year: 2014 Emerging technologies offer transit agencies an opportunity to transform fundamental aspects of their operations and the way they communicate with their riders. With nearly ubiquitous smartphones and social media… |
Title: Vulnerability of Transportation System and Evacuation Plan for Coastal Flooding in Climate Change Author(s): Dr. Hansong Tang, Dr. Steven I-Jy Chien Publication Year: 2014 This project develops a method for predicting coastal flooding considering climate change and sea level rise, and its impact on population and transportation network. In particular, a modeling framework has been proposed to predict flooding and… |
Title: The Politics of Large Infrastructure Investment Decision-Making: The Case of the Second Avenue Subway Author(s): Dr. Joseph Berechman, Patrizia Nobbe Publication Year: 2013 Over the past few decades, urbanization and economic growth have intensified the need for more efficient urban and regional transportation, including the expansion and reorganization of existing transportation… |
Title: Assessing Values to Non Strike Agreements in Construction Projects Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Camille Kamga, Dr. Jonathan R. Peters Publication Year: 2013 This study represents the state of good practice economic theory and models and concludes that there is, indeed value to non-strike agreements in construction projects. Certainly, every major construction project –… |
Title: Energy, Ride Comfort and Road Handling of Regenerative Vehicle Suspensions Author(s): Dr. Lei Zuo Publication Year: 2014 In this project we report a comprehensive assessment of the power that is available for harvesting in the vehicle suspension system and the tradeoff among energy harvesting, ride comfort, and road handing with… |
Title: Energy Harvesting from Rail Track for Transportation Safety and Monitoring Author(s): Dr. Lei Zuo Publication Year: 2014 An efficient electromagnetic energy harvester featured with mechanical motion rectifier (MMR) is designed to recover energy from the vibration-like railroad track deflections induced by passing trains. Comparing to… |
Title: Energy Harvesting from Rail Track for Transportation Safety and Monitoring Author(s): Dr. Lei Zuo Publication Year: 2014 Abstract: An effi cient electromagnetic energy harvester featured with mechanical motion rectifi er (MMR) is designed to recover energy from the vibration-like railroad track defl ections induced by passing trains.… |
Title: Accelerating the Construction Process of Highway Bridges Author(s): Dr. O. Sam Salem Publication Year: 2013 Functional obsolescence and structural deficiencies of highway bridges are posing significant threats to commuters and transportation agencies throughout the United States. Recently, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) classified… |
Title: Estimating Multi-class Truck Origin-Destination Flows Through Data Fusion from Multiple Sources Author(s): Dr. Mark A. Turnquist (Late) Publication Year: 2013 There has long been interest in estimating origin-destination (O-D) matrices from link count (or other) data. For the most part, previous efforts have focused on creating O-D tables for passenger movements by automobile, using a single vehicle… |
Title: An analysis of the agglomeration benefits of transit investment: A Case Study of Portland and Dallas Author(s): Dr. Robert B. Noland, Dr. Daniel G. Chatman Publication Year: 2013 The objective of this paper is to examine whether new firms are more likely to form near rail transit stations. Two relatively new light-rail systems, one in Portland, Oregon and the other in Dallas, Texas form the basis of the analysis. A geo-… |
Title: Vulnerability of Transportation System and Evacuation Plan for Coastal Flooding in Climate Change Author(s): Dr. Hansong Tang, Dr. Steven I-Jy Chien Publication Year: 2014 This project develops a method for predicting coastal flooding considering climate change and sea level rise, and its impact on population and transportation network. In particular, a modeling framework has been proposed to predict flooding and… |
Title: Towards Socially and Economically Sustainable Urban Developments: Impacts of Toll Pricing on Residential Developments Author(s): Dr. Changhyun Kwon, Dr. JiYoung Park Publication Year: 2013 Road pricing has gained more research attention due to its effectiveness in managing traffic congestion and financing transportation infrastructure during recent years. Most research efforts focus on the functionality of road pricing in managing… |
Title: Leveraging Brightness From Transportation Lighting Systems Through Light Source Color Author(s): Dr. John Bullough Publication Year: 2013 Conventional photometric quantities such as illuminance and luminance make the specification and calculation of lighting possible, but are based on human visual responses under a limited range of conditions. Visual perception at nighttime, such… |
Title: Computational Modeling of Driver Speed Control with its Applications in Developing Intelligent Transportation Systems to Prevent Speeding-Related Accidents Author(s): Dr. Changxu (Sean) Wu Publication Year: 2013 Speeding is commonly recognized as exceeding the posted speed limits or driving too fast for conditions. National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) reported that speeding is a contributing factor in about one-third of all fatal traffic… |
Title: Characterization of Fatigue Properties of Binders and Mastics at Intermediate Temperatures using Dynamic Shear Rheometer Author(s): Dr. Yusuf A. Mehta Publication Year: 2013 G*sin(δ) is the SuperPAVE binder specification for fatigue. This number has been studied in recent times and has been found to be an inaccurate measurement. Tests to determine a more appropriate test for fatigue were conducted, leading to the… |
Title: Grade Determination of Crumb Rubber-Modified Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Author(s): Dr. Thomas Bennert Publication Year: 2013 Due to particulates common in crumb rubber-modified asphalt binders, conventional PG grading using the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) with a gap height of 1.0 mm may not be valid and in accordance with current… |