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Dr. Ravi's areas of interest are Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Mining, Wireless Networks, Operations Research, Discrete Dynamical Systems, Fault-Tolerant Computing and Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). The main thrust of his research centers around the study of the algorithmic aspects of combinatorial optimization problems that arise in the above areas. For optimization problems that are computationally intractable, he also tries to develop approximation algorithms with provable performance guarantees.

Dr. Sekharipuram S. Ravi
Sekharipuram S.
Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
Title Sponsor(s)
Compression and Mining of GPS Trace Data: New Techniques and Applications for Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration / USDOT (RITA)
Compression and Querying Multiple GPS Traces for Transportation Planning Research and Innovative Technology Administration / USDOT (RITA)
Techniques for Information Extraction from Compressed GPS Traces University Transportation Research Center (UTRC)