SEMPACT (Center for Social and Economic Mobility for People And Communities through Transportation) is USDOT Region 2 UTC under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, covering New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. The UTCs conduct research that directly supports the priorities of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to promote the safe, efficient and environmentally sound movement of good and people. UTCs work with regional, state, local and tribal transportation agencies to help find solutions to challenges that directly impact their communities and affect the efficiency of the nation’s transportation system.
Led by the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) at the CUNY City College of New York, and building from the foundation of our existing legacy transportation systems, SEMPACT seeks to leverage recent advances in vehicle and infrastructure technologies; data; and modeling, analytics, and visualization to plan, design, implement, and operate a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable transportation system for Region 2 that supports mobility and access to opportunity for all the region’s residents and businesses.
To advance toward these goals, the SEMPACT team will focus research in four priority areas that address both USDOT & regional needs. Work will address the statutory priority area "Improving mobility of people and goods" and the USDOT research priorities: Economic Strength & Global Competitiveness (primary), Equity, and Climate & Sustainability.