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Submitted by dds_sajjad on May 30, 2024
Universal Transportation Model Simulation Center


Welcome to the Universal Transportation Model Simulation Center (UTMSC), a leading institution dedicated to advancing transportation modeling, education, and training for researchers, students, transportation professionals, and policy makers. Located at CUNY Institute for Transportation Systems, we recognize the evolving demands of transportation systems. Our real-time transport modeling capabilities support a wide range of applications, including traffic forecasting, signal optimization, incident management, security, and more. We also offer comprehensive online education and training programs for students at all levels, professionals, and public entities, ensuring that knowledge and expertise are accessible globally.

Our Goals

Develop Advanced Transportation Test Beds

Design, develop, sustain, and incorporate a set of UTMSC prototype transportation test beds and associated infrastructure. These test beds will integrate travel behavior models within a cyber infrastructure learning and research environment.

Comprehensive Learning Program

Establish a comprehensive learning program for students at all levels, focusing on a Learn-how-to-Learn approach. This program will involve contributions from all transportation stakeholders and use the prototype test beds to create an active-learning-based curriculum.

Sustainable Research Program in Transport Modeling

Develop a sustainable UTMSC research program in large-scale transport modeling, including transportation planning, traffic operations, meso/microscopic traffic simulation, dynamic traffic assignment, travelers’ and goods movement trip characteristics forecasting (activity-based modeling), and traffic operations optimization. The prototype test beds will facilitate and promote research in these areas.

Transport Models Certification and Real-Time Operations

Establish a sustainable UTMSC transport models certification program. This program will utilize the prototype test beds and advanced data and communication models to support real-time operations and ensure high standards in transport modeling and simulations.


The following projects are research associated with UTMSC:
Center Research Project PI Institution Topic Area
SEMPACT, UTMSC A Comprehensive Region 2 Transportation Research Needs Assessment Study Dr. Camille Kamga, Dr. Alison Conway, Dr. Mahdieh Allahviranloo, Dr. Yiqiao Li The City College of New York Environmental and Sustainability, Livability