UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.
UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.
Title: Bridge Vehicle Impact Assessment Author(s): Dr. Anil Agrawal Publication Year: 2011 Bridges in New York State have been experiencing close to 200 bridge hits a year. These accidents are attributed to numerous factors including: improperly stored equipment on trucks; violation of vehicle posting signs; illegal commercial vehicles… |
Title: Potential for Natural Brine for Anti-Icing and De-Icing Author(s): Dr. Kauser Jahan, Dr. Yusuf A. Mehta Publication Year: 2012 This project focused on the feasibility of the use of natural brine for anti-icing and pre-wetting in Onondaga County, Syracuse, New York. A thorough literature review was conducted on the use of brine as an anti-icing and pre-wetting agent both… |
Title: Using Lighting and Visual Information to Alter Driver Behavior Author(s): Dr. John Bullough, Dr. Mark Rea Publication Year: 2012 Inappropriate traffic speeds are a major cause of traffic fatalities. The use of lighting and visual information such as signage could assist in encouraging appropriate driving speeds. Along sharp roadway curves, an… |
Title: Automating Web Collection and Validation of GPS Data for Longitudinal Urban Travel Studies Author(s): Dr. Hongmian Gong, Dr. Cynthia Chen, Dr. Hongmian Gong Publication Year: 2011 GPS-based travel surveys can avoid many problems of traditional paper and phone surveys and are becoming increasingly popular in major cities worldwide. We developed a Web GIS prototype in this project to collect GPS data from survey participants… |
Title: Potential for Natural Brine for Anti-Icing and De-Icing Author(s): Dr. Yusuf A. Mehta Publication Year: 2012 Anti-icing, deicing and pre-wetting methods have become common for winter maintenance of roads. Brine (23%salt solution) is the most common material for anti-icing, deicing and pre-wetting processes. Typically brine is prepared from rock salt.… |
Title: Modern Low Cost Maintenance of Concrete Bridges Using Effective NDT Test Data Author(s): Dr. Riyad S. Aboutaha Publication Year: 2012 This report presents a new approach for evaluation and maintenance of existing concrete bridges; an active preventive maintenance approach, which costs just fraction of the current passive approach. Such an active… |
Title: Development of a Portable Petroleum By-Products Chemical Sensor: Phase III and IV Author(s): Dr. Michael Carpenter, Dr. Marina A. Petrukhina Publication Year: 2009 Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are considered to have potential for chemical sensing application because of their high surface to volume ratio and unique size tunable properties like photoluminescence (PL). However, our study revealed for the… |
Title: Thermal Effects During the Curing of Concrete Pavements and Bridge Decks Author(s): Joel L. Plawsky Publication Year: 1996 This project will use fundamental heat and mass transfer principles to predict the temperature. water content. and unreacted cement profiles that exist during the first 72 hours of curing in concrete pavements and bridge decks. The goal of the… |
Title: Seismic Design Considerations Volume I: Technical Approaches and Results Author(s): Dr. Anil Agrawal, Dr. Huabei Liu Publication Year: 2012 NJDOT has adopted “AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design” approved by the Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures in 2007. The main objective of research presented in this report has been to resolve following issues… |
Title: Implementation of Advanced Fiber Optic and Piezoelectric Sensors Author(s): Dr. Patrick Szary, Dr. Ali Maher Publication Year: 1999 Weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems might soon replace the conventional techniques used to enforce weight restrictions for large vehicles on highways. Currently WIM systems use a piezoelectric polymer sensor that produces a voltage proportional to an… |
Title: Impact of Mode and Mode Transfers on Commuter Stress Author(s): Dr. Gary Evans, Dr. Richard Wener Publication Year: 2004 This paper reports on a natural experiment, which studied groups of commuters who are equivalent in most important demographic respects, and who had equivalent commuting experiences, but were differentially affected by a new and improved mass… |
Title: Benefits Package Value Study Author(s): Dr. Frederick Brodzinski, Robert F. Baker, Dr. Camille Kamga, Robert F. Baker Publication Year: 2002 Recruiting entry-level civil engineers and information technology specialists has become more competitive and the New York State Department of Transportation is experiencing difficulty in attracting people to these positions. Compared to the… |
Title: Evaluation Study of the Port Authority of NY and NJ's Value Pricing Initiative Author(s): Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. Kaan Ozbay Publication Year: 2005 On January 25, 2001, the PANYNJ approved a new pricing structure with tolls that varied according to time of day and payment technology. It went into effect on March 25, 2001. The PANYNJ saw the plan as a means for reducing congestion, increasing… |
Title: Investigating the Feasibility of Establishing a Virtual Container Yard to Optimize Empty Container Movement in the NY-NJ Region Author(s): Dr. Sotiris Theofanis, Dr. Maria Boilé Publication Year: 2006 A Virtual Container Yard (VCY) is a mean of developing a shared resource information system to match empty equipment needs through the adoption of next generation internet and new technology information platforms. The project examines the… |
Title: Diesel Retrofit Assessment for NYS DOT to Retrofit its Existing Engine Fleet Author(s): Dr. Huaizhu (Oliver) Gao, Dr. Huaizhu (Oliver) Gao Publication Year: 2010 The NYS DEC has required the use of retrofit technologies for various state agency, state public authority, and regional public authority heavy duty vehicles, as well as heavy duty vehicles used on behalf of such agencies and authorities. This… |
Title: Design of a Scale Model to Evaluate the Dispersion of Biological and Chemical Agents in a NYC Subway Station Author(s): Dr. Beth Wittig Publication Year: 2007 Urban subway systems remain among the most susceptible to a terrorist attack by biological or chemical agents (BCA) because they are heavily trafficked and have limited points of egress. The combination between efficient creation of casualties… |
Title: Portable Work Zone Barrier- Mobile Barriers Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Robert F. Baker, Dr. Camille Kamga, Dr. David Washington, Robert F. Baker, Robert F. Baker, Dr. David Washington, Robert F. Baker, Dr. Camille Kamga, Robert F. Baker Publication Year: 2009 Protecting the safety of construction and maintenance field crews and motorists on roadways is the top priority of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). More than 40,000 people… |
Title: Evaluation of ISDN Video Transmission to a Traffic Operations Center Author(s): Dr. Anthony Tzes, Dr. Alex Delis Publication Year: 1999 The objective of this research is to perform evaluation tests related to the transmission of digitized video signals over ISDN and/or T-1 lines between a video traffic reporting camera and a traffic management center. The quality of the received… |
Title: Diesel Ultrafine/Fine Particle Emissions in Numbers:Statistical Modeling and Evaluation of Engine Operating Variables Author(s): Dr. Huaizhu (Oliver) Gao, Dr. Huaizhu (Oliver) Gao Publication Year: 2009 This work aims to develop statistical models for ultrafine/fine particle number emission rates from a diesel bus, to evaluate the explanatory power of engine operating variables. Emissions were recorded by using on-board instrumentation in two… |
Title: Comprehensive, Practical Employee Commute Options Guidebook for New York State Author(s): Dr. Elena Prassas Publication Year: 1994 A comprehensive guidebook for practical employee commute options (ECO) was compiled for employers in New York State to provide them the technical expertise to develop an ECO program. This ECO guidebook is a result of literature search,… |