UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.
UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.
Title: Correlation between Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) Results and Polymer Modification of Binder Author(s): Dr. Yusuf A. Mehta Publication Year: 2013 Nationwide traffic loads are increasing, pushing conventional asphalt to its limit. In New Jersey matters are made worse by the heavy use of the Northeast Corridor. Polymer modification of asphalt, which can improve… |
Title: Data Driven Performance Measures for Effective Management of Complex Transportation Networks Author(s): Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. Hani Nassif Publication Year: 2014 This research aims to explore performance measures quantified based on different transportation data sources. It examined the major performance measures that can help describe both traffic operations and safety… |
Title: Data Driven Performance Measures For Effective Management of Complex Transportation Networks Author(s): Dr. Kaan Ozbay Publication Year: 2014 In the past, transportation data was collected through the limited deployment of infrastructure-based sensors and manual spot counts and surveys. Massive on-line data being collected on a nearly 24/7 basis enable researchers and transportation… |
Title: Lessons from Hurricane Sandy for Port Resilience Author(s): Dr. Thomas H. Wakeman III, Dr. Jon Miller Publication Year: 2013 New York Harbor was directly in the path of the most damaging part of Super Storm Sandy causing significant impact on many of the facilities of the Port of New York and New Jersey. The U.S. Coast Guard closed the… |
Title: Prediction Of Impact On Transportation System Due To Coastal Flooding Under Climate Change Conditions Author(s): Dr. Hansong Tang Publication Year: 2013 Global warming and climate change are reshaping our world in many ways. One of their most obvious evidences is sea level rise due to melting of polar glaciers and arctic ice. It is estimated that global sea level rise is at an alarming rate of 0.… |
Title: Finite Element Model Updating and Damage Detection for Bridges Using Vibration Measurements Author(s): Dr. Raimondo Betti Publication Year: 2013 The continued functionality of a nation’s infrastructure systems, e.g. bridges, is a necessary pre-requisite to her continued social and economic development. However, in about 15 years, 50 percent of our bridges will… |
Title: Traveler Oriented Traffic Performance Metrics Using Real Time Traffic Data from the Midtownin- Motion (MIM) Project in Manhattan, NY Author(s): Dr. John C Falcocchio, Dr. Elena Prassas Publication Year: 2013 In a congested urban street network the average traffic speed is an inadequate metric for measuring speed changes that drivers can perceive from changes in traffic control strategies. … |
Title: Shared-Use Bus Priority Lanes on City Streets: Case Studies in Design and Management Author(s): Dr. Todd M. Goldman Publication Year: 2012 This report examines the policies and strategies governing the design and, especially, operations of bus lanes in major congested urban centers. It focuses on bus lanes that operate in mixed traffic conditions; the… |
Title: Final Report - Freight Conference Author(s): Publication Year: 2014 While population increases, so do the demand for products and the freight traffic to deliver them. The increase in truck traffic creates many negative effects including increased traffic congestion, illegal parking… |
Title: Field Methods for Determining Lead Content in Bridge Paint Removal Waste Author(s): Dr. Lisa B. Axe Publication Year: 2013 The removal of paint from bridges and other structures is a significant issue facing transportation agencies because of the presence and potential for release of lead and other contaminants upon disposal. A large… |
Title: Developing Self-cleaning and Air Purifying Transportation Infrastructure Components to Minimize Environmental Impact of Transportation Author(s): Dr. Alexander Orlov Publication Year: 2013 Creating transportation infrastructure, which can clean up itself and contaminated air surrounding it, can be a groundbreaking approach in addressing environmental challenges of our time. This project has explored a… |
Title: Lessons from Hurricane Sandy for Port Resilience Author(s): Dr. Thomas H. Wakeman III, Dr. Jon Miller Publication Year: 2013 New York Harbor was directly in the path of the most damaging part of Hurricane Sandy causing significant impact on many of the facilities of the Port of New York and New Jersey. The U.S. Coast Guard closed the entire… |
Title: A Decision Support Model to Understand Route Choice Decisions and Siting of Facilities in Emergency Evacuation Author(s): Dr. Camille Kamga, Dr. Satish V. Ukkusuri Publication Year: 2013 In this research, we present the results of a behavior model to capture different routing strategies executed by evacuees during hurricane evacuation by using a random‐parameter logit‐based modeling approach. To the… |
Title: Corrosion Damage Assessment of Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures Author(s): Dr. Salvatore Salamone Publication Year: 2013 Detecting corrosion in the tendons of post-tensioned (PT) concrete structures is technically challenging. The general inaccessibility of the tendons makes evaluation difficult, costly and often inconclusive. This… |
Title: Characterization of Fatigue Properties of Binders and Mastics at Intermediate Temperatures using Dynamic Shear Rheometer Author(s): Dr. Yusuf A. Mehta Publication Year: 2013 The paper compares the fatigue life of neat and modified PAV-aged binders and mastics and determines the influence of dust on fatigue life using the Linear Amplitude Sweep (LAS) method. It will also compare these… |
Title: Leveraging Brightness from Transportation Lighting Systems through Light Source Color: Implications for Energy Use and Safety for Traffic and Pedestrians Author(s): Dr. John Bullough Publication Year: 2013 Roadway transportation lighting is installed for multiple reasons including traffic safety and pedestrian security. Judgments of pedestrian safety and security along roadways are not strictly correlated to specified… |
Title: Relating the 2010 Signalized Intersection Methodology to Alternate Approaches in the Context of NYC Conditions Author(s): Dr. Elena Prassas Publication Year: 2013 The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) has had a delay-based level of service methodology for signalized intersections since 1985. The 2010 HCM has revised the method for calculating delay. This happened concurrent with… |
Title: Towards Socially and Economically Sustainable Urban Developments: Impacts of Toll Pricing on Residential Developments Author(s): Dr. Changhyun Kwon Publication Year: 2013 The goal of this research is to investigate the effects of road pricing on residential land use choices and to help select pricing policies that foster socially and economically sustainable residential development in… |
Title: Conduct Urban Agglomeration with the Baton of Transportation Author(s): Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang Publication Year: 2013 A key indicator of traffic activity patterns is commuting distance. Shorter commuting distances yield less traffic, fewer emissions, and lower energy consumption. This study develops a spatial error seemingly unrelated regression model to… |
Title: Traffic Volume Estimation using Network Interpolation Techniques Author(s): Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang Publication Year: 2013 Kriging method is a frequently used interpolation methodology in geography, which enables estimations of unknown values at certain places with the considerations of distances among locations. When it is used in… |