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UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.

UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.

Title: Optimal Toll Strategies for the TBTA

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. John Pucher, Dr. Joseph Berechman, Dr. Joseph Berechman

Publication Year: 1992


The Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority (TBTA) operates seven bridges and two tunnels in New York City, all of which charge tolls. The TBTA is contemplating increasing tolls in early 1993. This study had two purposes related to the…

Title: Pedestrian Behavior in New Jersey

Author(s): Dr. Robert B. Noland

Publication Year: 2011

This report explains ways to reduce car usage in order to meet climate targets and how to analyze these effects. Much of the analysis has focused on differences between more compact areas that are more walkable versus more extensive car-dependent…

Title: Feasibility Study for Freight Data Collection

Author(s): Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. José Holguín-Veras

Publication Year: 2010

The New York City (NYC) metropolitan region is home to close to 20 million residents, more than 600,000 business establishments, more than 1.3 million registered trucks, and more than 8.8 million employees. Every year, more than 80 million trucks…

Title: Feasibility Study for Freight Data Collection

Author(s): Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. Xuegang (Jeff) Ban, Dr. José Holguín-Veras

Publication Year: 2010

The New York City (NYC) metropolitan region is home to close to 20 million residents, more than 600,000 business establishments, more than 1.3 million registered trucks, and more than 8.8 million employees. Every year, more than 80 million trucks…

Title: Develop Consultant Management Estimating Tools

Author(s): Dr. Trefor P. Williams, Dr. Neville A. Parker, Dr. Neville A. Parker, Dr. Trefor P. Williams

Publication Year: 2012

State transportation agencies typically negotiatewith designers to determine the cost andstaffi ng levels for the design of highway andbridge infrastructure. In the traditional Design-Bid-Build project format the design consultantsare selected…

Title: Develop Consultant Management Estimating Tools

Author(s): Dr. Trefor P. Williams, Dr. Neville A. Parker, Dr. Trefor P. Williams

Publication Year: 2012

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Consultant Management Bureau’s primary responsibilities are to negotiate staffing hours/resources with engineering design consultants, and to monitor the consultant's costs. Currently the…

Title: NYCDOT Green Bus Lines Route Analysis

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Camille Kamga, Dr. Camille Kamga

Publication Year: 2000

New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) subsidizes several franchise bus operators in Queens and Brooklyn.  The franchise operators, which started operating in the first half of the Twentieth Century, have made few changes to…

Title: NYCDOT Green Bus Lines Route Analysis

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Herbert Levinson (Late), Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Herbert Levinson (Late)

Publication Year: 2000

The franchised bus lines that New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) has been subsidizing have been in place for 50 years without major adjustments or changes despite shifts in travel patterns, the growth of new traffic generators,…

Title: New York in the New World Economy-I-90 Corridor

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Catherine T. Lawson, Dr. Ross D. Weiner

Publication Year: 2002

16. Abstract The I-90 Corridor in upstate New York is a classic example of the de-industrialization of the Northeastern United States. With few exceptions, all counties along the corridor have experienced marked declined in manufacturing…

Title: New York in the New World Economy

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Catherine T. Lawson

Publication Year: 2003

This study examined two major transportation corridors in New York State, noting the importance of connectivity among the state’s regions, with other states, across its international borders, and throughout the globe. NYSDOT asked UTRC to explore…

Title: New York in the New World Economy-I-87 Corridor

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Catherine T. Lawson, Dr. Ross D. Weiner

Publication Year: 2003

The New York State Thruway, Route I-87, from New York to Albany and the Northway from Albany to the New York Canadian Border defines a major transportation corridor promoting commerce, tourism, commuting and a range of other activities. The…

Title: New York City Park and Ride Study

Author(s): Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. José Holguín-Veras

Publication Year: 2012

This study reviewed existing practices in Park and Ride planning, developed a methodology for evaluating candidates, and applied the methodology to the commuter market in New York City. The team identified a set of candidates based on…

Title: New York City Park and Ride Study

Author(s): Dr. José Holguín-Veras, Dr. José Holguín-Veras

Publication Year: 2011

This study reviewed existing practices in Park and Ride planning, developed a methodology for evaluating candidates, and applied the methodology to the commuter market in New York City. The team identified a set of candidates based on…

Title: Mode Shift in Transit Under-served Neighborhoods in New York

Author(s): Dr. Zhan Guo

Publication Year: 2011

This research def ines the concept of transit under-served areas (TUSA), and argues that with the right policies TUSA residents have a great potential to reduce car dependency and usage and switch to publ i c t ransi t . It focuses on one…

Title: Mode Shift in Transit Under-served Areas in the New York City Region

Author(s): Dr. Zhan Guo

Publication Year: 2010

This research investigates the impact of residential parking on household travel behavior in transit under-served areas (TUSA) in the New York City region. It focuses on an important but often overlooked issue in reshaping the travel pattern in…

Title: Integrated Transportation and Land Use Planning:Facilitating Coordination Across and Among Jurisdictions

Author(s): Dr. Allison L. C. de Cerreño, Dr. Allison L. C. de Cerreño

Publication Year: 2009

The publication “Strengthening Interjurisdictional Coordination on Transportation and Related Land Use – A Guidebook for Practitioners” is intended to facilitate better integration of land use and transportation planning. The guidebook is drawn…

Title: Crosswalk Safety: Evaluating the Lightguard System

Author(s): Dr. Peter R. Boyce

Publication Year: 2002

Accidents involving pedestrians on crosswalks are a common cause of road fatalities. In-pavement flashing warning lights have been proposed as a means of increasing the conspicuity of a crosswalk when a pedestrian is using it. Evaluations in…

Title: Crosswalk Safety: Evaluating the Lightguard System

Author(s): Dr. Peter R. Boyce

Publication Year: 2002

Accidents involving pedestrians on crosswalks are a common cause of road fatalities. In-pavement flashing warning lights have been proposed as a means of increasing the conspicuity of a crosswalk when a pedestrian is using it. Evaluations in…

Title: Bollards May Improve Crosswalk Safety

Author(s): Dr. Mark Rea, Dr. John Bullough

Publication Year: 2010

In an effort to reduce traffic accidents involving pedestrians, the Lighting Research Center (LRC) joined with the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration (through the University Transportation Research…

Title: Lighting Innovation Increases Pedestrian Safety (TR News, May-June 2010)

Author(s): Dr. Mark Rea, Dr. John Bullough

Publication Year: 2010

Scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lighting Research Center (LRC) are developing a lighting system to increase the safety of pedestrians crossing the street at nighttime. Led by John Bullough, the researchers evaluated different…