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UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.

UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.

Title: Bus Rapid Transit on New York City Streets

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Herbert Levinson (Late)

Publication Year: 2004

This study was undertaken to examine how to introduce bus rapid transit (BRT) in New York City.  In recent years, the idea of bus rapid transit – innovative bus services providing superior speed and convenience to traditional bus service –…

Title: Handbook of Scour Countermeasures Designs

Author(s): Dr. Anil Agrawal, Zhihua Yi

Publication Year: 2004

Bridge engineers in New Jersey are presented with numerous tidal flow and non-tidal scour countermeasure designs for application to scour critical bridges. This handbook presents recommended guidelines for scour countermeasure design and planning…

Title: Feasibility of Freight Villages in the NYMTC Region

Author(s): Dr. Maria Boilé, Dr. Sotiris Theofanis, Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. Kaan Ozbay

Publication Year: 2011

This report summarizes the work conducted to analyze the site impact of freight villages. The analysis included assessing traffic, logistics and economic impacts, which are then used to determine the extent to which freight village development…

Title: Expert System for Steel Bridge Superstructure Inspection And Evaluation


Publication Year: 1994

This project designed an expert system to advise bridge inspection teams on fatigue and corrosion of steel bridge superstructures. Steel bridge superstructures were selected since they are the most predominate existing bridge superstructure…

Title: Self - Organized Transport System

Author(s): Dr. Sanjay Goel

Publication Year: 2009

This report presents the findings of the simulation model for a self-organized transport system where traffic lights communicate with neighboring traffic lights and make decisions locally to adapt to traffic conditions in real time. The model is…

Title: The Anticipatory Route Guidance Problem: Formulations, Analysis and Computational Results


Publication Year: 2006

The anticipatory route guidance problem (ARG), an extension of the dynamic traffic user-equilibrium problem, consists of providing messages, based on forecasts of traffic conditions, to assist drivers in their path choice decisions. Guidance…

Title: Impact Assessment of the Regulation of Heavy Truck Operations

Author(s): Dr. Arnim H. Meyburg

Publication Year: 1991


The main objective of this project was to evaluate the impact of the New York State divisible-load permit system for heavy trucks in terms of benefits and costs to society. The costs result primarily from increased pavement damage; the…

Title: Expert System For Concrete Quality Assurance

Author(s): Dr. Trefor P. Williams, Dr. Perumalsamy Balaguru, Dr. Trefor P. Williams

Publication Year: 1990

Quality assurance is an important component of concrete construction. In most cases the quality of concrete is assessed using 28 day companion cylinder strengths Because corrections cannot be done economically after 28 days, the quality of…

Title: Guidelines for Traffic Signal Energy Back-Up Systems

Author(s): Dr. William "Al" Wallace

Publication Year: 2009

Power outages affect traffic signalized intersections, leading to potentially serious problems. Current practices of responding to power failures are very basic, ranging from ‘do nothing’ to installing portable generators. The purpose of this…

Title: Public Transit In New York: Keep Up with the Trend – A Case Study of Mode Choices in the New York Metropolitan Region

Author(s): Dr. Cynthia Chen, Dr. Hongmian Gong, Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Hongmian Gong

Publication Year: 2006

We investigate the role of the built environment in mode choice decisions for home-based work tours in the New York Metropolitan Region. The analysis is conducted using a multinomial logit model. There are two main results of this study. First,…

Title: Utilizing Remote Sensing Technology in PostDisaster Management of Transportation Networks


Publication Year: 2008

Infrastructure system components such as bridges, highways, tunnels, traffic systems, road pavements, and other systems are considered assets that should be protected and properly managed. Yet, the degree of deterioration and the risk of exposure…

Title: Quantifying Non-Recurring Delay on New York City’s Arterial Highways

Author(s): Dr. George List, Dr. Kyriacos Mouskos, Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. John C Falcocchio, Dr. George List, Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. John C Falcocchio

Publication Year: 2008

The project will help NYSDOT and NYCDOT better quantify and predict the non-recurring delay (NRD) from incidents on the City?s highway network.  NRD is a substantial portion of the total delay that occurs within the City and it can be…

Title: Household Travel Survey Research

Author(s): Dr. Catherine T. Lawson, Dr. Catherine T. Lawson, Dr. Catherine T. Lawson

Publication Year: 2006

New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) are planning an effort for 2005/2006 to collect data in order to update the Best Practice Model (BPM) and Regional Transportation Forecast…

Title: Analysis of Bicycling Trends and Policies in Large North American Cities: Lessons for New York

Author(s): Dr. Ralph Buehler, Dr. John Pucher

Publication Year: 2011

This research report reviews trends in cycling levels, safety, and policies in large North American cities over the past two decades. We analyze aggregate national data as well as cityspecific case study data for nine large cities (Chicago,…

Title: Evaluation of the Performance of Permanent Pavement Markings and Retroreflectors in Snowplowable Raised Pavement Markers

Author(s): Dr. Neville A. Parker, Dr. Neville A. Parker

Publication Year: 2002

This project evaluated New Jersey Department of Transportation’s three year fixed schedule re-striping program to see if it is consistent with the actual service life of the pavement markings. One of the primary tasks was to develop a threshold…

Title: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Operational Support Contracts

Author(s): Dr. Raman Patel

Publication Year: 2005

ITS is a tool to improve and mange the transportation network effectively to meet growing demands for services. The Transportation Operation Center (TOC) is the heart of the ITS activities. The investment made on technology, infrastructure, and…

Title: Cost of Transporting People in New Jersey

Author(s): Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. Joseph Berechman, Dr. Kaan Ozbay, Dr. Joseph Berechman, Dr. Kaan Ozbay

Publication Year: 2007

This project has developed a state-of-the-art GIS-based interactive tool for calculating network-wide full marginal costs (FMC) of highway transportation in New Jersey. The new tool is used to evaluate the short-term impacts of policy…

Title: Development of a Rational Method to Design Wick Drain Systems

Author(s): Dr. Yong S. Chae

Publication Year: 1998

Field experience indicates that wick drains installed vertically in grid fashion do not consistently result in the required degree of consolidation, under construction loading, in the time established in design. Such deviations are often related…

Title: Transportation Choices and the Future of the New York City Economy

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Joseph Berechman, Herbert Levinson (Late), Dr. Joseph Berechman, Herbert Levinson (Late)

Publication Year: 2004

Over the last decade, a large number of high capital cost transportation projects have been proposed for the New York City Region. Many have resulted from addressing evolving capacity needs, changes in regional demographics and economics, meeting…

Title: Accessibility Improvements and Local Employment: An Empirical Analysis

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell, Dr. Joseph Berechman

Publication Year: 2001

In this paper we hypothesize that the local supply of labor (i.e., labor force participation) is affected, among other things, by the level of accessibility to employment locations. Specifically, we conjecture that improved accessibility in a…