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UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.

UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.

Title: Impact of Congestion on Bus Operations and Costs


Publication Year: 2003

<p>Traffic congestion in Northern New Jersey imposes substantial operational and monetary penalty on bus service. The purpose of this project was to quantify the additional time and costs due to traffic congestion. A regression model was…

Title: Impact of Congestion on Bus Operations and Costs(ResearchBrief)

Author(s): Dr. Robert E. Paaswell

Publication Year: 2003

<p>Traffic congestion in Northern New Jersey imposes a substantial operational and monetary penalty on bus service. The purpose of this project was to quantify the additional time and operational costs due to traffic congestion. A…

Title: Impact of Traffic Congestion onBus Travel Time in Northern New Jersey(JournalArticle)


Publication Year: 2003

<p>Traffic congestion in Northern New Jersey imposes a substantial time operational penalty on bus service. The purpose of a project was to quantify the additional travel time that buses need because of traffic congestion. A regression…

Title: Literature Review


Publication Year: 2003

<p>Work zones are a necessary part of meeting the needs of our nation?s aging transportation infrastructure. With the highway infrastructure getting older and requiring consistent maintenance, it is believed that there will be more work…

Title: Assessing the Impacts and Benefits of Traffic Signal Priority for Buses


Publication Year: 2002

Delays caused by traffic signals and by street traffic congestion increase bus-operating costs and degrade transit service quality. Bus signal priority is an attempt to minimize or eliminate delays to buses at a signalized intersection by…

Title: Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations(WorkingPaper2)


Publication Year: 2004

<p>Work zone safety traffic control is an area that has been gaining a lot of attention during the past few years. Travelers come across several types of work zones on a regular basis due to increased maintenance and reconstruction along…

Title: Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration WorkOperations(WorkingPaper3)


Publication Year: 2004

<p>This report documents and summarizes: Task 1 - Develop a proposed methodology and criteria for measuring and evaluating the new technologies and Information systems, and Task 2: Analysis of the current NJDOT practices for short duration…

Title: Information Technology Organization: Organizing to Meet
the Needs of the Regional Offices of New York State
Department of Transportation


Publication Year: 2004

This research project is to assess the roles and responsibilities of the Regional Information Technology organizations of New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). The Information Technology (IT) resources of NYSDOT are organized…

Title: Information Technology Organization: Organizing to Meet
the Needs of the Regional Offices of New York State
Department of Transportation


Publication Year: 2004

This research project is to assess the roles and responsibilities of the Regional Information Technology organizations of New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT). The Information Technology (IT) resources of NYSDOT are organized…

Title: Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations (Working Paper 4)


Publication Year: 2004

<p>This report documents and summarizes: Task 3- Identify guidelines to eliminate driver inattentiveness, and Task 4- Design alternative strategies and techniques for traffic control, for Phase II ? Research Approach of the study, &#39;…

Title: Intermodal Productivity and Goods Movement
Phase II: Land Access to Port and Terminal Gate Operations


Publication Year: 2001

The competitiveness of the Port Authority of NY & NJ is dependent on intermodal freight movement through the port. This project provides an analysis of the efficiency of the Port's intermodal movements. The analysis will focus on the…

Title: Intermodal Productivity and Goods Movement
Phase II: Land Access to Port and Terminal Gate Operations


Publication Year: 2001

The competitiveness of the Port Authority of NY & NJ is dependent on intermodal freight movement through the port. This project provides an analysis of the efficiency of the Port's intermodal movements. The analysis will focus on the…

Title: Analysis of Human Factors in Nighttime Work Zones


Publication Year: 2001

<p>This paper presents the results of a research project aimed at providing insights into the human factors associated with nighttime work zones on the New Jersey Department of Transportation construction and maintenance projects. It…

Title: Analysis of Human Factors in Nighttime Work Zones


Publication Year: 2001

The project examined the impacts that nighttime construction activity has upon the workers and sought to define work standards to mitigate these factors. Thirty construction workers on four highway construction projects, along with a focus group…

Title: Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation Strategies into New York State Department of Transportation's Operations (Final Report)

Author(s): Dr. David C. Major

Publication Year: 2011

This study identifies climate change adaptation strategies and recommends ways of mainstreaming them into planned actions, including legislation, policies, programs and projects in all areas and at all levels within the New York State Department…

Title: Innovative and Effective Techniques for Locating Underground Conduits

Author(s): Dr. Fadi A. Karaa, Dr. Edip Niver, Dr. Allen Katz

Publication Year: 2011

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) operates and maintains a network of thousands of miles of conduits, many carrying fiber optic cables, that is vital to the State?s communication system. These…

Title: Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations(Project Brief)


Publication Year: 2005

<p>The objective of this research project was to study mobile and short duration work zone safety with particular attention to the identification of work zone safety devices, information systems for the reduction of safety and congestion,…

Title: Assess Impacts and Benefits of traffic signal priority for buses


Publication Year: 2005

Bus transportation has traditionally served as the backbone of public transportation. Despite the importance and efficiency of buses, compared to the automobile, these vehicles are weighted equally with automobiles at traffic signals where a bus…

Title: Part 2 - Performance Standards for Assessing Vegetation Management on Rights-of-Way: Case Study of New York State DOT’s Roadside Rights-of-Way Vegetation Management Program

Author(s): Dr. Christopher Nowak

Publication Year: 2005

Rights-of-way vegetation managers are increasingly focused on environmental stewardship. Managers are interested in practices that will produce and demonstrate economically-sound, socially-responsible, and environmentally-sensitive decision…

Title: Part 4 - Developing a Cost-Effectiveness Model for Research, Development, and Application of Herbicide and Non-Herbicide Vegetation Management Treatments for Roadside Rights-of-Way

Author(s): Dr. Christopher Nowak

Publication Year: 2005

Vegetation managers could use a tool to compare cost effectiveness of different non-herbicide and herbicide alternatives for treating roadside vegetation. Such a tool could be used to make informed decisions, better communicate the bases for…