Zhihua Yi is a Ph.D. student at the City College of New York. Mr. Yi’s Ph.D. thesis is on “Blast Loads on Highway Bridges: Mechanisms and Mitigations”. In this work, Mr. Yi has been working on modeling approaches for blast loads and behavior of bridges components during blast loads using highprecision Finite Element Analysis. Mr. Yi has developed a unique approach through which existing software from Department of Defense for blast loading can be used for highway bridges without any modification. In fact, detailed high-precision finite element model of a highway bridge developed by Mr. Yi may be used by FHWA Resource Center as a part of the course on blast loads on bridges. In addition, Mr. Yi has done extensive work on the preparation of “Handbook on Bridge Scour Countermeasures”, a project funded by NJDOT, under the supervision of his advisor, Professor Anil Agrawal, and Dr. Khan of STV, Inc.