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UTRC follows the reporting requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). The purpose of these reports is to share the funded research results available for the transportation professionals and researchers and to publish the center’s past and future activities in the education, workforce development and technology transfer programs.

UTRC publications include a variety of reports; Project Reports, Project Briefs, Journal Articles, Quarterly Newsletters, Annual Reports, and Conference Reports. These reports can be accessed using the search tool which filters publications by the report type, publication year, principal investigator, and research topics.

Title: Part 1: Alternatives for Treating Roadside Right-of-Way Vegetation: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography

Author(s): Dr. Christopher Nowak

Publication Year: 2005

Herbicides have been widely used to control vegetation on roadside rights-of-way because they are perceived as more cost effective than other treatments. However, as knowledge of environmental systems has developed along with a growing social…

Title: Part 5 - New Alternatives to Synthetic Herbicide Techniques for Treating Roadside Vegetation

Author(s): Dr. Christopher Nowak

Publication Year: 2005

<p>Herbicides have been widely used to control vegetation on roadside rights-of-way because they are perceived as more cost effective than other treatments. However, as knowledge of environmental systems has developed along with a growing…

Title: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DIRECTOR REGION 2 Operational Support Contracts Implementation Plan


Publication Year: 2005

<p>The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is currently facing a significant challenge in keeping Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) at a high level of availability at the Transportation Operation Center North (TOC North)…

Title: Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and ShortDuration Work Operations(Final Report)


Publication Year: 2006

<p>This report documents and summarizes the study &#39;Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations,&#39; for the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The study was conducted in three…

Title: Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and ShortDuration Work Operations(Tech brief)


Publication Year: 2006

<p>This report documents and summarizes the study &#39;Identification of Traffic Control Devices for Mobile and Short Duration Work Operations,&#39; for the New Jersey Department of Transportation. The study was conducted in three…

Title: Evaluation of the NJDOT Transportation Management Association Grant Program (Executive Summary)


Publication Year: 1995

<p>The NJDOT TMA Grant Program gives qualified TMAs up to $400,000 annually to carry out traffic reduction and clean air initiatives. These dollars have funded the implementation of important national and state mandates. They have given the…

Title: Deformation of Cohesionless Fill due to Cyclic Loading


Publication Year: 2007

Integral abutment bridges are becoming widely accepted for new construction of short to medium length highway bridges of limited skew. Although they offer an economic alternative to the use of bearings, integral abutments present their own unique…

Title: Economic Competitiveness:Performance Measures for Transportation


Publication Year: 2008

<p>The New York State Department of Transportat ion (NYSDOT) is developing a comprehensive set of measures that link investments in transportation to the general economic performance of the New York State Economy. The agency would like to…

Title: Effects on New York State Roadways on Amphibians and Reptiles: A Research and Adaptive Mitigation Project


Publication Year: 2008

<p>This report explains the impacts of transportation infrastructure on herpetile populations, the landscape, local habitat, and architectural attributes of effective herpetile crossing structures and employs habitat analyses to identify…

Title: Decision Support Tool to Assess Importance of Transportation Facilities


Publication Year: 2008

Assessing the importance of transportation facilities is an increasingly growing topic of interest to federal and state transportation agencies. This work proposes an optimization based model that uses concepts and techniques of complex networks…

Title: A Decision Support Tool to Assess Importance of Transportation Facilities


Publication Year: 2008

Assessing the importance of transportation facilities is an increasingly growing topic of interest to federal and state transportation agencies. This work proposes an optimization based model that uses concepts and…

Title: Comprehensive Survey of Emerging Technologies for the New York Metropolitan Area


Publication Year: 2008

Professors Satish Ukkusuri and Jose Holguin-Veras of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), as a result of an RFP process through the UTRC, have been selected by a selection committee to conduct an assessment of the emerging and promising…

Title: Improved Customer Service and Automated Route Verification for the Issuance of Special Hauling Permits by the NYSDOT (Excerpts)


Publication Year: 1994

<p>This report presents a design for an electronic permit issuance system for overdimensional and/or overweight vehicles with nondivisible loads. The system has been designed in collaboration with, and for use by, the New York State…

Title: Employee Commute Options Guidebook


Publication Year: 1994

A comprehensive guidebook for practical employee commute options (ECO) was compiled for employers in New York State to provide them with the technical expertise to develop an ECO program.

Title: Comparative Evaluation of Deflection and Wave Propagation Nondestructive Testing Methods for Pavements: Implications for Implementation at State and Local Levels (Excerpts)


Publication Year: 1994

<p>In New York City, as in other highly urbanized areas, several factors make it too difficult to apply pavement management systems methodology in the traditional way. Two of those factors are: underground utilities and utility cuts;…

Title: Economic Benefits of Pedestrian Traffic


Publication Year: 1999

As more and more people have forsaken city-center activities in favor of out-of-town shopping malls and business parks, many downtown areas in the United States have been allowed to fall into neglect. Will Central Business Districts (CBDs) or…

Title: Implementation of Advanced Fiber Optic and Piezoelectric Sensors
Fabrication and Laboratory Testing of Piezoelectric Ceramic-Polymer
Composite Sensors for Weigh-in-Motion Systems


Publication Year: 1999

Weigh-in-motion (WIM) systems might soon replace the conventional techniques used to enforce weight restrictions for large vehicles on highways. Currently WIM systems use a piezoelectric polymer sensor that produces a voltage proportional to an…

Title: Implementation of Advanced Fiber Optic and Piezoelectric Sensors
Fabrication and Laboratory Testing of Piezoelectric Ceramic-Polymer
Composite Sensors for Weigh-in-Motion Systems


Publication Year: 1999

Piezoelectric sensors are being tested for collecting traffic data, including weigh-in-motion, measuring vehicle speeds, classifying vehicles by category and counting axles etc. There are two types of these sensors ? polymer and ceramic.…

Title: Estimation of Time and Other Benefits from Nine Proposed Transit Capital Projects In New York City


Publication Year: 2003

Momentum is growing for an ambitious round of investments in transportation projects in New York City. At a time of fiscal crisis, and uncertainties over the direction of the economy in Lower Manhattan and the city as a whole, new transportation…

Title: Transit plans head for a crash


Publication Year: 2003

<p>New Yorkers are compiling a list of transit projects of enormous scope and cost. There is no consensus over priorities, and that&#39;s sure to fuel anti-New York sentiment in Congress. Someone needs to take charge here.</p>