Alison Conway is a Professor of Civil Engineering at the City College of New York. She conducts research primarily in the areas of urban freight and city logistics and multi-modal interactions in the urban environment. She is the Deputy Director of the Center for Social and Economic Mobility for People and Communities through Transportation (SEMPACT), the USDOT-designated Regional University Transportation Center for Region 2. She is also an Associate Director of Center for Understanding Future Travel Behavior and Demand (TBD), a USDOT-designated National University Transportation Center. On campus at CCNY, Dr. Conway currently manages two undergraduate research programs: the FHWA Eisenhower Fellowship Program and the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP).
She is also an associated faculty member of METROFREIGHT, a Volvo Research and Education Foundation Center of Excellence in Urban Freight.
At CCNY, Dr. Conway teaches courses in transportation engineering and planning and conducts research primarily in the areas of commercial freight policy and logistics, sustainable freight transportation, and multi-modal interactions in the urban environment. She currently chairs the TRB Young Members Council and the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute’s Freight and Logistics Committee, and is a member of TRB’s Freight Data, Truck Size and Weight, and Urban Freight Committees. Dr. Conway holds Ph. D. and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, and a Bachelor’s of Civil Engineering from the University of Delaware.