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Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dr. David King
Assistant Professor of Urban Planning
Dr. Patrick L. Kinney
Associate Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health
Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering, Director of the Program in Transportation
Dr. Michael E. Kress
Vice President for Technology Systems, College of Staten Island
Dr. Changhyun Kwon
Assistant Professor in Industrial & Systems Engineering
Dr. Kajal Lahiri
Distinguished Professor of Economics, University at Albany/SUNY
Dr. Michael L. Lahr
Research Professor, Planning and Public Policy
Assistant Professor of Geography and Planning, University at Albany/SUNY
Dr. George C. Lee
SUNY Distinguished Professor of Civil, Structural And Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo/SUNY
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Donald J. Leopold
Distinguished Teaching Professor and Chair, Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, College of Environmental Science and Forestry/SUNY
Dr. Chris Letchford
Professor and Department Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chair, Maritime College Curriculum Committee, State University of New York - Maritime College
Herbert Levinson (Late)
UTRC Icon Mentor, Transp. Consultant and Prof. Emeritus of Transportation
Herbert Levinson (Late)
UTRC Icon Mentor, Transp. Consultant and Prof. Emeritus of Transportation
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering