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Simulation of Automated Vehicles' Drive Cycles

This research has two objectives:

1) To develop algorithms for plausible and legallyjustifiable freeway car-following and arterial-street gap acceptance driving behavior for AVs

2) To implement these algorithms on a representative road network, in order to generate representative drive cycles for AVs that are both theoreticallygrounded and based on empirical driving conditions.

Simulation of Automated Vehicles' Drive Cycles

This research has two objectives:

1) To develop algorithms for plausible and legally-justifiable freeway car-following and arterial-street gap acceptance driving behavior for AVs

2) To implement these algorithms on a representative road network, in order to generate representative drive cycles for AVs that are both theoretically-grounded and based on empirical driving conditions.

Demonstration of Virtual Transportation Management Strategies for Smart Cities in NY

In metropolitan areas, poorly managed traffic signal systems can have significant negative impacts on traffic conditions. Ineffective management, operation, and maintenance of traffic signals contributes to almost 300 million vehicle-hours of delay annually. Despite these turbulent conditions, technology is advancing rapidly and new ideas are providing fresh ways to handle problems related to congestion. However, many local municipal roadway systems lack the same level of technology as state and county systems, in many cases degrading that critical first and final legs of the journey.

Drone/Unmannned Aircraft System (UAS)

FAA Advisory Circular 107-2 provides guidance on the regulation of UAS in the NAS, however, AC 107-2 does not provide, nor is it intended to provide, a legal interpretation of the regulations. Rather, this advisory is provided as best practice methods for developing operational programs scaled to specific small unmanned aircraft (UA), associated system equipment, and operations in combination with agency’s operational details and local laws in New Jersey.  Some of the laws local impacting the implementation of these guidance in New Jersey are privacy laws and motor vehicle laws.

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