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Activity-Based Approach for the Design of Sustainable Area and Cordon Pricing Schemes

Vehicle-generated emissions remain a serious threat to the health of urban and suburban communities. Among the strategies implemented to address this environmental problem are area- and cordon-based pricing (ACP) schemes. Experiences in major cities such as London, Stockholm, and Milan show that ACP schemes are effective in reducing traffic emissions and the related public health risks. However, designing ACP schemes continues to be a challenging task given the complexities of estimating the effects of this type of strategy.

Foreign Involvement in U.S. High Speed Rail Projects: Risks, Problems, Opportunities

In the early 1980’s, promoters who wanted to build new, very high speed, rail lines in states such as California, Florida, and Texas, were obliged to rely on foreign rail technology and expertise. This research Report explains how, when, and why that dependence developed, and assesses the problems associated with importing foreign technology. The research disputes the oversimplified notion that the decline of American passenger railroads in the 1950’s and 1960’s led directly to reliance on Japanese, French, and other foreign technology.

Incorporating Probe Vehicle Data To Analyze Evacuation Route Resilency

Probe vehicle speed data has become an important data source for evaluating the congestion performance of highways and arterial roads. Predefined spatially located segments known as Traffic Message Channels (TMCs) are linked to commercially available, temporal anonymous probe vehicle speed data. This data has been used to develop performance measures for roadways to better plan and manage infrastructure assets.

Incorporating Probe Vehicle Data to Analyze Evacuation Route Resiliency

Anonymous probe vehicle data has become an important data source to evaluate the performance of highways and arterials
roadway systems. By using predefined spatially located segments, Traffic Message Channels (TMCs) and XD Segments, temporal
probe vehicle speed data that includes timestamp and an average speed can be collected and analyzed for each segment. This
data has been used to develop agency-wide performance measures to better plan and manage infrastructure assets.

Potential Hydrodynamic Load on Coastal Bridges in the Greater New York Area due to Extreme Storm Surge and Wave

This project makes a computer modeling study on vulnerability of coastal bridges in New York City (NYC) metropolitan region to storm surges and waves. Prediction is made for potential surges and waves in the region and consequent hydrodynamic load and scour at bridge piers in conditions of climate change/sea level rise (SLR) and change in hurricane patterns.


Evaluating the Impacts of Real-Time Information on Subway Ridership in New York City

It is now common for transit operators to provide real-time information (RTI) to passengers about the location or predicted arrival times of transit vehicles. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) in New York City has recently made RTI available for most of the subway, which is the largest urban heavy rail system in the United States. In light of this, the objective of this research is to investigate how RTI is likely to impact subway passengers in New York City. The method is a two-part literature review of prior studies that assess the passenger benefits of providing RTI.

The Spatial Effect of Socio-Economic Demographics on Transit Ridership: a Case Study in New York

Demand for vehicle and public transportation systems continues to increase in and around major urban centers. This increase is especially pronounced during the morning and evening commutes and is further complicated by the complex spatial interactions that influence the variation in system demand.

The Spatial Effect of Socio-Economic Demographics on Transit Ridership: a Case Study in New York

Demand for vehicle and public transportation systems continues to increase in and around major urban centers. This increase is especially pronounced during the morning and evening commutes and is further complicated by the complex spatial interactions that influence the variation in system demand.

Traveler Information Application for Route 1 and Route 18 Corridors

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) seeks to develop a hands-free Mobile Application (app) platform to aid travelers by offering travel information that utilizes the data it currently collects from its real-time transportation information systems and includes additional travel related information such as transit and shuttle schedules and availability of parking.

Calibration/Development of Safety Peformance Functions for New Jersey

The predictive models in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is based on the Safety Performance Functions (SPFs), which is a statistical regression model based on observed crash data from similar facility types and estimates the predicted average crash frequency the base conditions. To account for differences between the base conditions and the specific conditions of the facility site, accident modification factors (CMFs) are utilized to adjust the prediction to account for the geometric design and traffic control features of the specific site.

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