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Freight Demand Forecasting in the Context of the Built Environment: An Integrated Land Use and Travel Demand Modeling Approach

In recent years, there is growing interest in promoting the smart growth concept that aims at revitalizing land use and transportation patterns to avoid “sprawl” and to reduce negative externalities of transportation systems. The fundamental idea behind such a concept is to revitalize land use and transportation patterns to avoid “sprawl” and to replace it by safe, livable, sustainable, environmentally-sound, and green-mode-oriented communities.

IIMS Staten Island Web and Smartphone Development, Deployment and Evaluation

The overall objectives of the Integrated Incident Management System (IIMS) are to collect and communicate incident data (Location, type/ severity, digital images, and expedited reporting among agencies providing emergency response and incident/traffic/transit/emergency management services for the purpose of improving the incident response and clearance process, thus reducing congestion/emissions and enhancing highway safety to both the responder and multiple users along the transportation corridors.

Benchmarking for Asset Hierarchy, Criticality Assessment and Risk Analysis at the MTA and other Transportation Companies

The NYCT has begun an enterprise-wide Asset Management Improvement Program (AMIP). In the second half of 2012, the NYCT developed an executive-level concept of operations (ConOps) that defined a new asset management framework following a systems engineering approach. The proposed project for new standards for asset hierarchy, criticality and risk (the “Project”) is needed as a fundamental element within this framework.

Integration of Bus Stop Count Data with Census data for Improving Bus Service

2010 gave rise to the 23rd decennial united states census. The census creates a golden opportunity for planners and researchers to refine the empirical basis for their population-based decisions. By delving into the demographics and characteristics of each of its markets, the new jersey department of transportation (njdot) and new jersey transit seek to understand the characteristics, and to improve the lives of, its stakeholders.

Impact Analysis of Recreational Transit Services on Local Community Economic Development, Employment and Spending

Research Problem and Background

The New Jersey Department of Transportation is soliciting proposals for a study that will quantify the economic and congestion-relief benefits from transit service to recreational activities in three specific market areas. Transit service to these market areas is provided by NJ TRANSIT.

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