19 January, 2001
- 19 January, 2001
Transportation Costs to the American Public and Land Use Patterns
Sarah C. Campbell President of TransManagement, Inc.
7 November, 2000
- 7 November, 2000
Globalization's Impacts on Regional Economic Competitiveness: Infrastructure and Institutional Challenges for the 21st Century
Dr. Dennis A. Rondinelli Director of the Center for Global Business Research at the Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
13 June, 2000
- 13 June, 2000
Pricing the Emissions Savings Due to Modal Shift From Air to High Speed Rail: The Impact of TGV's on French Regional Airports
Dr. Anthony Perl Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Calgary
2 June, 2000
- 2 June, 2000
Alameda Corridor: A Project of National Significance
Arthur Goodwin, P.E.
14 April, 2000
- 14 April, 2000
Is it Time to Run U.S. Roads on a Commercial Basis?
Gabriel Roth Civil Engineer & Transport Economist
25 February, 2000
- 25 February, 2000
Economics of Amtrak: Choices Within the Policy Framework
John Bennett Vice President, Amtrak
19 November, 1999
- 19 November, 1999
Transportation Planning In (and for) the Future: Challenge and Opportunities
Dr. Michael Meyer Professor and chair of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology
18 June, 1999
- 18 June, 1999
Metro Mobilty - The Buck Stops Everywhere
Lawrence Dahms Executive Director, Metropolitan Transportation Commission
7 May, 1999
- 7 May, 1999
Integrating Art, Design and Engineering in the Public Realm
Nancy Connery & Michael Singer Independent Reasearcher & Artist
26 February, 1999
- 26 February, 1999
Overview and Outlook for U.S. Intermodal Transportation Infrastructure and Operations
John Vickerman, Principal & Executive Vice President of Vickerman Zachery-Miller (VZM)
18 December, 1998
- 18 December, 1998
International Airport Expansion and Improvement
Dr. Delon Hampton CEO of Delon Hampton & Associates
23 October, 1998
- 23 October, 1998
Governmental Reform in Transportation: International and Domestic Trends
Dr. C. Michael Walton Professor of Civil Engineering, Chair in Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
1 May, 1998
- 1 May, 1998
Sustainable Development and Transport: A Eurovision for 2000
Dr. David Banister, Professor of Transport Planning at University College London
27 February, 1998
- 27 February, 1998
Forthcoming Revisions to the Highway Capacity Manual Year 2000
Dr. Roger Roess Polytechnic University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
12 December, 1997
- 12 December, 1997
A Synthetic Approach to Estimating The Impacts of Telecommuting on Travel
Patricia L. Mokhtarian Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Environmental Engineering University of California @ Davis
24 October, 1997
- 24 October, 1997
Travel Behavior and Public Policy
Alan E. Pisarski, Independent Consultant Travel Behavior
27 June, 1997
- 27 June, 1997
Real-Time Animation for Transportation Decision Making
Alain L. Kornhauser Director, Transportation Program Professor, Civil Engineering & Operations Research Princeton University Princeton, N.J.
25 April, 1997
- 25 April, 1997
Transport Europe: Economic Necessity and Environmental Sustainability
Dr. Peter Nijkamp Professor, Dept. of Regional Economics, Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
28 February, 1997
- 28 February, 1997
Intelligent Transportation System-A New Era of Transportation and Technology
Dr. Christine Johnson, Director, Federal Highway Administration Intelligent Transportation System Joint Program Office
13 December, 1996
- 13 December, 1996
Social Economic Change and Sustainable Transportation
Dr. T. R. Lakshmanan Director, Bureau of Transportation Studies U.S. Department of Transportation