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Investigating the Feasibility of Establishing a Virtual Container Yard to Optimize Empty Container Movement in the NY-NJ Region

A Virtual Container Yard (VCY) is a mean of developing a shared resource information system to match empty equipment needs through the adoption of next generation internet and new technology information platforms. The project examines the feasibility of developing and operating a Virtual Container Yard to serve the freight and maritime community in the NY-NJ region. Definition of user requirements and potential business and institutional impediments in successfully establishing the system are identified.

Diesel Retrofit Assessment for NYS DOT to Retrofit its Existing Engine Fleet

The NYS DEC has required the use of retrofit technologies for various state agency, state public authority, and regional public authority heavy duty vehicles, as well as heavy duty vehicles used on behalf of such agencies and authorities. This report was compiled to assist NYS DOT in its efforts to comply in the most cost effective manner possible, without compromising its core functions.

Design of a Scale Model to Evaluate the Dispersion of Biological and Chemical Agents in a NYC Subway Station

Urban subway systems remain among the most susceptible to a terrorist attack by biological or chemical agents (BCA) because they are heavily trafficked and have limited points of egress. The combination between efficient creation of casualties and anonymity afforded to terrorists make subways attractive targets. However, the disproportionate amount of passengers to subway employees, limits the ability of transit workers to identify suspicious activity.

Portable Work Zone Barrier- Mobile Barriers

Protecting the safety of construction and maintenance field crews and motorists on roadways is the top priority of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  More than 40,000 people are injured each year as a result of motor vehicle crashes in work zones.  In addition, fatalities from work zone crashes have increased more than 50 percent in the last 5 years.

Diesel Ultrafine/Fine Particle Emissions in Numbers:Statistical Modeling and Evaluation of Engine Operating Variables

This work aims to develop statistical models for ultrafine/fine particle number emission rates from a diesel bus, to evaluate the explanatory power of engine operating variables. Emissions were recorded by using on-board instrumentation in two types of real-world driving conditions: a freeway commuting route and a within-city-limits bus route, with stop and go due to intersections and bus stops. To reduce the risk of drawing spurious conclusions, three replications of the experiment were performed and linear models were estimated using the robust-to-outliers quantile regression method.

Review of Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Airport Access Project (Excerpts)

The airport access project addresses a longstanding problem affecting New York City travelers and residents, as well as out-of-town travelers. The project plans to link JFK International Airport to two transit terminals, Jamaica Station and Howard Beach Station. It is expected that over 34,000 passengers and employees will use the light rail system annually.

Blacktop Resurfacing of Bridge Decks

Durability of concrete bridge decks to mechanical and environmental effects is examined for the purpose of evaluation of effects of blacktop resurfacing of bridge decks. Aggressive environmental actions on reinforced concrete are described, classified and equivalent environmental loads presented. To explain effects of aggressive environmental loads, concrete transport properties dependent on: concrete structure, external effects, mechanisms in concrete, and chemical reactions of aggregates are discussed in detail.

Blast Load Effects on Highway Bridges

There has been increased awareness about safety of highway bridges from intentional/unintentional blast loads. This report focuses on the investigation of behavior of various bridge components during blast loads through a high fidelity finite element model of a typical highway bridge. Computer programs, such as LS-DYNA offer detonation simulation capabilities to propagate blast loads through air medium. However, blast pressures generated by such programs are significantly different than those by ConWep, a computer program based on semi-empirical equations.

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