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Demographic Study of Incoming Taxi Drivers

The immigrant population has increased markedly in the taxi workforce in urban areas throughout the U.S. necessitating language screening tests as well as longer driver training programs. The challenge of preparing new immigrants to meet the demands of passengers in a complex urban area is enormous. To help meet this challenge, this project conducted a survey of the incoming taxi workforce at the New York City Taxi Driver Institute (NYCTDI) in the first half of 1992.

Defining the Shared Goals of the NYMTC Principals and Related Future Trends

Over the course of the past two years, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) Principals have reached consensus on five shared goals which serve as the framework for making decisions on future investments in the region’s transportation network, and reflect broad agreement on the need for regional approaches to complex issues facing the region: Build the case for obtaining resources to implement regional investments; Enhance the regional environment; Improve the regional economy; Improve the regional quality of life; Provide convenient, flexible

Customization of TELUS-base Project Information Management System (PIMS) for NYMTC

TELUS (Transportation, Economic & Land-Use System) is a fully integrated information-management and decision-support system designed to help Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and State Departments of Transportation (SDOTs) prepare their annual Transportation Improvement Programs and to carry out other responsibilities under the Transportation Efficiency Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21). TELUS has been funded by a grant from the FHWA. Recently the FHWA started promoting TELUS as a “Priority, Market-Ready Technology.”

Correlation between Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) Results and Polymer Modification of Binder

The above cases clearly show that there is a need to identify a mechanical parameter measured from standardized tes that is sensitive to polymer or CRM modification of binder and mixture performance. Presence of such parameters would enable an empirical evaluation of the impact of modification of the binder on mixture and eventually on pavement performance.

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