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Transit Oriented Development Benefits of New Transit Service: The River LINE

NJ Transit's River LINE opened in March 2004, providing daily one-seat light rail service between Trenton and Camden. The 34-mile line roughly parallels Route 130 and makes 20 station stops in 13 communities in Camden, Burlington, and Mercer Counties. One of the major stated objectives of the River Line was to stimulate smart, locally embraced development and with it economic growth that is supportive of transit along the corridor. NJ Transit is interested in understanding the degree to which the new light rail line has been a catalyst for new development in the area.

Understanding Residential Location Decision in the New York Region

The complex activity and travel patterns in the New York Metropolitan Region are currently modeled by the “Best Practice Model” (BPM), maintained by New York Metropolitan Transportation Council. Though representing the state of practice, it does not include a land use model that can create feedback loops between urban system and regional traffic patterns. A key component of a land use model is households’ residential location choice model.

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