The UTRC’s third annual Connected Vehicle Conference took place at the SUNY Polytechnic Institute on November 5th 2014. The conference was a big success as the subject received support from state and local government. The New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner, Joan McDonald, Congressman Paul Tonko, and Senior Vice President for Cisco’s Technology Group, Helder Antunes delivered keynote addresses at the conference. The conference outlined two plenary sessions; National Connected Vehicle Landscape led by Richard McDonough from NYSDOT and Transitioning Innovation to Commercialization led by Michael Fancher from SUNY Polytechnic Institute. There were four information-rich panels (listed below) featuring presentations from experts in public and private sector.
- 1- University-based Research Assets
- 2- Industry-driven Tech Roadmap
- 3- Government-directed Framework
- 4- Investment Strategies to Enable Success
The keynote addresses and speakers’ presentations are available on the conference website.
Following the symposium success, SUNY Polytechnic Institute and the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) for Region 2 (New York, New Jersey and Puerto Rico) organized a meeting on November 6th,2014 to establish the SMART Consortium with representatives from industry, government and academia to participate in the definition of its Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives. Peiwei Wang, Ph. D. of Noblis and Kate Hartman of USDOT presented at the workshop to provide more detail on the 2015 USDOT solicitations. To accomplish this, SUNY Poly and UTRC seek to build upon and establish new partnerships with: key government agencies (including NYSDOT, NYCDOT, MTA, DMV, NYSERDA, NYS Broadband, ESDC and NYS CTO, among others); top academic institutions (including SUNY Poly, NYU-CUSP, University at Buffalo, RPI, University at Albany, CUNY, and Columbia, among others); and, industry leaders (including Cisco, IBM, Intel, GE, Siemens, Analog Devices, Kapsch, Perkin Elmer, Southwest Research Institute and Parsons Brinkerhoff, among others) to define and drive the proposed SMART Consortia. Once defined, the SMART consortia members would be asked to provide guidance on the development of an integrated technology roadmap, expanding commercialization pathways and dynamic economic outreach strategies. More details will be posted on the website about the progress of the SMART Consortium.