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Dr. Christopher Nowak
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Performance standards for Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) can be used to define organizations that manage rights-of-way (ROWs) in environmentally-appropriate, socially-beneficial, and economically-viable manners. Environmentally appropriate ROW vegetation management means maintaining biodiversity, productivity, and ecological processes. Socially beneficial management means helping local people and society at large enjoy long-term benefits. Economically viable means that vegetation management operations are structured and managed so as to be sufficiently cost effective and profitable, without generating financial profit or cost savings at the expense of ROW resources and their sustainability. NYSDOT was assessed for performance of IVM using standards developed in a related study. SUNY-ESF visited four NYSDOT regions in summer 2004 to evaluate the ecological, economic and social aspects of NYSDOT’s right-of-way vegetation management, and to determine gaps in the conduct of IVM on NYSDOT rights-of-way. NYSDOT was found to have performed well in Principle 1 (Compliance with Laws), Principle 3 (Community Relations and Workers Rights), and Principle 8 (Accounting for Economic and Ecological Effects). NYSDOT was found to need improvement in performance associated with Principle 2 (Tenure Use Rights and Responsibilities), Principle 4 (Management Planning), and Principle 9 (Site-Specific Implementation of Treatments). 17.