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Through the Academic Initiative, Nancy Mahadeo interned with NYMTC’s staff. Her work focused on Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Strategies under the guidance of Larry McAuliffe, NYMTC’s Sustainability Manager. Nancy analyzed four mobile source emission reduction strategies to encourage use of hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles, and hydrogen and clean diesel technologies. She found that plug-in hybrid electric vehicle technology was the most cost-effective strategy; hydrogen technology was too costly; and clean diesel involved the production of higher emissions of nitrogen oxides.


Nancy Mahadeo is currently a program consultant at MaGrann Associates where she is helping to support home energy audits for existing residential programs. She also researches and evaluates software programs for state and utility program management and helps assess future lines of business. Prior to this position, she was an energy planning analyst for the Association for Energy Affordability, Inc. in the Bronx where she created a performance tracking system for the Weatherization Assistance Program in the downstate New York region.

Nancy Mahadeo
City and Regional Planning