Drew Terpenning is a graduate student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He has a multi-disciplinary background combining degrees and work experience in both civil engineering and business/economics. He received his B.A. in International Economics from Drew University in 2007 and worked for Barclays Capital Investments as an operations analyst prior to coming to NJIT. Drew began the program at NJIT in 2009, taking an intensive mix of undergraduate and graduate level civil/environmental engineering courses. During the summer of 2010, he interned with EPA Region 1 in Boston, MA in their municipal/industrial NPDES permitting branch. He currently works part-time for a small environmental consulting firm in Northern New Jersey. His ongoing research work is focused on a detailed analysis of the inventory of the NJDOT ITS- Intelligent Transportation Systems fiber optic conduits network and missing trace wire sub-network, in order to help build a decision support capability for selecting and ranking technologies for locating underground fiber optic conduits. This work can help support safe digging in busy cluttered highway and roadway sections. He will be taking the FE in Spring and is set to graduate in May of 2011. His particular interests include stormwater/wastewater and utilities management, and he plans to continue working in the engineering consulting field post-graduation.