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Dr. Joyoung Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Before he joined NJIT, he served as laboratory manager in the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory (STOL) at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. Dr. Lee’s major research interest lies in Connected Vehicle (CV) and its applications to (1) traffic management, i.e. CV-based route guidance system; (2) traffic signal controls, i.e., CV-based real-time intersection control; and (3) cooperative vehicle intersection control (CVIC) for autonomous cars. Dr. Lee has authored and co-authored 30 peer-reviewed journal and conference proceeding papers since 2008. Dr. Lee received the best paper awards at the 14th and 10th PTV VISSIM/VISSUM User Group Meetings in 2012 and 2008 and Excellence in Research Award from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Virginia in 2011.

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Virginia, 2010
M.S. in Transportation Engineering, University of Virginia, 2007
M.S. in Transportation Planning, Hanyang University, Korea, 2002
B.S. in Transportation Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea, 2000
Title Sponsor(s)
Smart Bus System under Connected Vehicles Environment University Transportation Research Center (UTRC)