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Dr. Park’s research interests are urban economics and transportation modeling as applied to natural and man-made environmental and security problems. He developed National Interstate Economic Model (NIEMO), a spatially disaggregated operational MRIO (Multiregional Input-Output) model of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The NIEMO is used to analyze economic impacts resulting from natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina and hypothetical terrorist attacks. Further, it is expanding to (1) transportation and multi-modal systems, (2) international countries, (3) temporal extension, (4) demand price elasticity model, (5) HAZUS software, (6) game theory and (7) environmental model estimating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission effects. His vision is to observe dynamic changes in urban/regional/international systemactic structures. The models Dr.Park has developed provide simulated results stemming from the changes and the predicted futures for planners in urban, regional, national and international levels.

Dr. JiYoung Park
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (urban planning), University of Southern California
M.A. (economics), Seoul National University
B.A.. (economics), Seoul National University