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NYMTC?s Princ ipals reached consensus on f ive Shared Goals to guide regional t ransport a t ion investment deci s ionmaking.
The Shared Goa l s ref l ect broad agreement on the need f o r reg iona l approaches to compl e x issues facing the
region. The Shared Goal s a re :

? Buil d t h e case for obt ai ni ng resources to impleme n t reg ional investmen t s;
? Enhance t h e regional environme n t ;
? Improve the reg ional e conomy;
? Improve the r egional qual i t y o f l ife; a n d
? Provide conveni en t , f lexible t r a nsportation access wi t h in the r egion.

The agreement on the Shared Goa l s represented an impor tant organizat ional achievement , but the Pr inc ipal s recognized
t h a t the goal s requi red gre a te r def i n i t ion to p rovide an overal l f ramework for NYMTC?s p l ann ing process . To t h i s end,
the NYU/Wagner Rudin Center Team was asked to conduct this s tudy, the goal s o f which were (1) t o h e l p the Pri n c ipal
members of NYMTC charact e r i z e more clearly each of the f ive Shared Goals and the outcome s they are intended to
generate; (2) to e s t abli sh measures o f succe s s tha t could be tracked to a s c e r t a in how well the Shared Goal s and r e l a ted
outcomes were being achi eved; (3) to ident ify the key t rends ? pol i t i c a l , demographic, so c io-economic, technological ?
t h a t a r e l ikely t o h ave an imp a c t o n the Shared Goals and out come s , a n d the manner in which the goal s and out come s a r e
t h e refore mos t l i k ely to prove achievable; and (4) to develop recommendations for i n tegrat ing the Sha red Goals and
outcome s i n to t h e forma l regiona l t ransport a t ion plann ing p roces s .

Thi s s tudy has compr ised five tasks : (1) fur ther def in it ion of the Sha red Goals and ident i f i c a t ion of rel a t ed outcome s ,
(2) ident if i c a tion of related key trends, (3) ident if i c a tion of objectives rel a t ed t o the Shared Goals and outcome s , ( 4 )
i n t egrati o n of the Shared Goals wit h the planning process , a n d (5) documen t a t ion of t h e process and resul t s .

This t e chnical memorandum i s the f in a l del i v e rable of thi s project ? the documen t a t ion o f the proce s s and resul ts . P a r t
One of this memo describes the process that was used to achieve the goals of the project. Part Two provides the
substant ive output s f rom t h e v a rious pro ject t a sks.