Adam Levine, Polytechnic University was selected as the 1999 UTRC student of the year. Adam Levine received a B.S. in Engineering for Princeton University in 1988. In 1989, Adam became a junior engineer in the Long Island office of the New York State Department of Transportation. After working as a designer on projects including the first Lon Island Expressway high occupancy vehicle lanes, Adam received his professional engineer’s license in 1995. Since 1995, Adam has worked in the quality assurance section of the design group as the regional estimating engineer and value engineering conductor, the design automation coordinator, and the supervisor of the quality assurance review and photogrammetry/ project visualization units. In January of 1998, Adam began his study for a M.S. in transportation planning and engineering at Polytechnic University. He is a member of the New York State Association of Transportation Engineers.