Brenda Cruz has been chosen as 2005 Student of the Year by the University Transportation Research Center. Students of the year are selected on technical merit, research, academic performance, professionalism, and leadership. Ms. Cruz was an outstanding participant in the NYSDOT sponsored university research project “Potential for Off-Peak Deliveries to Commercial Urban Areas”, which was conducted by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute on behalf of NYSDOT and was presented at NYMTC last year. Ms. Cruz has also received national recognition as the recipient of the 2005 Charley V. Wootan Memorial Award, for Outstanding Masters Thesis in Transportation Policy and Planning, completed this summer at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The Wootan Award was established by the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC), an organization that brings together university based transportation centers and transportation programs across the U.S. Ms. Cruz’ thesis, “On the Defi nition of Policies to Foster Off-Peak Commercial Deliveries to Congested Urban Areas,” is considered groundbreaking in this area. A native of Puerto Rico, she received a Master of Science in Transportation Engineering from RPI in 2005 and a Bachelor of Science (Magna Cum Laude) in Industrial Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez in May 2002. She has also served as treasurer of the Alpha Pi Mu National Honor Society; a member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE); and a member of the Golden Key National Honor Society. Ms. Cruz joined NYSDOT as a Junior Engineer in the Statewide Policy Development Section last year. She is currently working in the Statewide Policy Development section, helping to shape the future of corridor and freight policy in the State.