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Robert T. Dunphy

Current interest in public transit investments is enormous. The challenge will be to also create the supporting development to make them work. Robert Dunphy will discuss experiences in transit oriented development from a new Urban Land Institute book, Developing Around Transit: Strategies and Solutions that Work, a collaboration among six authorities from the fields of development, planning, and transit. The value of transit to developers and property owners as well as broader community aspirations will be addressed along with new research on real estate property values. Fundamental challenges are examined for new transit projects; convincing the larger community that transit will work there; and making the case that compact, urban development around transit, will work there. The importance of such smart growth in established markets that have grown up around transit will also be discussed.

The importance of collaboration will be highlighted, because from a transit perspective, urban projects yield the greatest leverage in expanding transit ridership and supporting transit services. However, building in such established urban areas is transit friendly, but development unfriendly. In contrast, the vast majority of the growth in most regions is expected to be in the suburbs, which are developer friendly, but generally transit unfriendly. The challenges of remaking the suburbs to support desired transit services and more urbane growth will be presented. The presentation will conclude with a number of principles for successful development around transit.

Mr. Dunphy is also a co-author of the recent TCRP report, Transit-Oriented Development in the United States--Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects.

Transit-Oriented Development in the United States--Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects

Developing Around Transit: Strategies and Solutions that Work


About the Speaker(s)

Robert T. Dunphy is Senior Resident Fellow, Transportation and Infrastructure at the Urban Land Institute, a global education and research organization based in Washington, D.C.

His research in traffic congestion, transit, transportation solutions, and parking has emphasized their connection to housing, land use, and development. He was managing author of the recent ULI publication, Developing Around Transit: Strategies and Solutions that Work. Dunphy is active in the Transportation Research Board, for which he chaired the Transportation and Land Development committee from 1998 ? 2004, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Lambda Alpha International, an honorary land economics society, and other national transportation committees. His previous experience includes consulting, metropolitan transportation planning, and teaching. He received a Bachelor?s Degree in Civil Engineering from the Catholic University of America, and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University.