Matthew W. Daus, Esq., former NYC Taxi & Limousine Commissioner/Chair, transportation technology lawyer, distinguished Lecturer at CUNY/CCNY’s Transportation Center and President of the International Association of Transportation Regulators, will offer a special presentation regarding our transportation technology future. Mr. Daus will discuss the evolving laws and regulations impacting transportation data and privacy, including access to data (TNCs, taxis, paratransit, airports) by the public, government, academia and competing private company interests.
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NYMTC’s Regional Trends Series provides the public with access to key industry leaders and offers information about trends and developments that are shaping the future of the transportation system
*Meeting will also be available as a Webinar*
Meeting ID: 640 709 405
Password: BB032718
Matthew W. Daus, Esq., former NYC Taxi & Limousine Commissioner/Chair, transportation technology lawyer, distinguished Lecturer at CUNY/CCNY's Transportation Center and President of the International Association of Transportation Regulators, will offer a special presentation regarding our transportation technology future. Mr. Daus will discuss the evolving laws and regulations impacting transportation data and privacy, including access to data (TNCs, taxis, paratransit, airports) by the public, government, academia and competing private company interests.
Also, Mr. Daus, who on behalf of the National Academy of the Science's Transportation Research Board served as Co-Chair to the Legal Forum on Autonomous Vehicles, and is currently a U.S. delegate/planning committee member of the U.S./European Union's Summit on the Socio-Economic Impacts of Automated and Connected Vehicles, will address the legal and policy issues being researched internationally, and lead an interactive discussion on the future of the for-hire ground transportation industry as autonomous technology progresses.