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Event date and time

Steps & Strides Towards
A Sustainable Future

This Earth Day (April 22nd), New York City is having its third Car Free Day. UTRC is hosting an academic forum to highlight the different ways the city can use its streets. Please join us for this forum in support of Car Free Day! 

Monday April 16, 2018 
8:30 AM - NOON
NYIT 11th Floor Auditoirum
16 W 61st St (Broadway)
New York, NY 10023

8:30 am - 9:00 am 
9:00 - 9:30 am 
Welcoming Remarks: Dr. Camille Kamga

Director UTRC/Professor CCNY/CUNY

Opening Keynote Speech: Ydanis Rodriguez

NYC Council Transportation Committee Chair
9:30 - 10:30 am 
Panel 1:  Policy Frameworks for Car Free Cities

Moderator - Matthew W. Daus, Esq., 
Distinguished Lecturer, UTRC/CCNY/CUNY,

Michael Replogle, NYC Department of Transportation, Deputy Commissioner for Policy
Adriana Espinoza, NY League of Conservation Voters, 

Andrew Bata, UITP - International Association of Public Transport, North America Regional Manager 

Michael Kodransky, Institute for Transportation & Policy Development
10:30 - 11:30 am
Panel 2: Car Free Data Workshop - Evidence Based Planning

Moderator - 
Dr. Richard Wener, Professor, NYU Tandon School of Engineering 
John Katircioglu - Cubic
Jennifer Gardner - The Gehl Institute
11:30 - Noon
Closing Remarks - Dr. Nada Anid, 

Dean, School of Engineering & Computing 

Sciences, New York Institute of Technology