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Impacts of Freight Parking Policies in Urban Areas: The Case of New York City

Freight flows are a physical expression of the economy, so fostering efficiency in the movement of freight from producers to consumers will spur growth for the economy and employment. However, the transportation of freight generates a large amount of traffic, with resultant congestion, pollution, noise, infrastructure damage, and threats to the quality of life.

Suburban Poverty, Public Transit, Economic Opportunities and Social Mobility

Introduction. Recent demographic trends suggest an increasing suburbanization of poor populations. Given that poor households are often unable to afford increasing housing prices in many urban areas they are increasingly moving to the suburbs. At the same time, suburbs often do not support the public transit needs of poor populations and access to jobs. Insufficient transit can also exacerbate recovery times after extreme weather events for vulnerable populations.

The Role of Social Media in Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Traffic Operations during Non-Routine Events such as Incidents and Planned Special Events

The first decade of the 21st Century has witnessed the explosion of wireless communications and highspeed internet. New forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, among others have emerged and quickly gained popularity. As history has clearly shown, major technological advances usually transform some of the way people and society behave and interact (e.g., online shopping enabled by Internet).

Designing, Developing, and Implementing a Living Snow Fence Program for New York State

This project is designed to further our understanding of the design and installation of living snow fences in NY and the region and transfer this knowledge to practitioners. A review of the literature on living snow fences and lessons learned from living snow fence programs in other states will be conducted and used to develop guidelines for design, installation, and maintenance of living snow fences.

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