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Impact of Polymer Modification on Mechanical Viscoelastic Properties

This study was initiated with the aim of evaluating the relative impact of different cross-linking agents on the rheological and morphological properties of polymer modified asphalt binders (PMAs). To complete this objective, two cross-linking agents (an aromatic oil and silicon oxide) were selected for evaluations. The cross-linking agents were then added to a styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) polymer modified binder (virgin PG 70-22) at different dosages. The selected cross-linking dosages were 2 and 4% by weight of virgin binder.

Analysis of Energy Efficient Highway Lighting Retrofits

Solid state lighting technology is advancing rapidly to a point where light emitting diode (LED) lighting systems can be viable replacements for existing lighting systems using high pressure sodium (HPS). The present report summarizes analyses conducted to document existing lighting conditions along a parkway (Southern State Parkway, Long Island) and an arterial roadway (Central Avenue, Albany County).

Effective and Equitable Supply of Gasoline to Impacted Areas in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster

In the past few years there have been an increasing number of high-impact events that involved both a natural disaster and man-made hazardous materials; we will call these events “nahaz” events. Our purpose is to develop models and algorithms for safe transportation and equitable supply of commodities like gasoline in the aftermath of a disaster, and to provide insights on disaster recovery planning in the face of disruptions.

Integrating Real‐time GIS and Social Media for Qualitative Transportation Data Collection

In transportation planning, the activity-based model system is considered as the next-generation demand foresting model and requires the input of trip modes and purposes of individuals. GPSbased travel surveys can avoid many problems in traditional paper and phone surveys and are becoming increasingly popular in major cities worldwide. In the past few years, Dr. Gong has developed a computing system consisting of a smartphone app that transmits GPS data to an Amazon cloud server where GIS algorithms detect travel modes and trip purposes of individuals.

Improving Freight System Performance in Metropolitan Areas

Freight flows are a physical manifestation of the manufacturing and consumption activities that are pillars of modern life. For that reason, transportation policy should ensure that freight is moved as efficiently as possible, as hampering the flow of cargo is bound to have a negative effect on the economy. At the same time, it is important to minimize the negative impacts produced by freight traffic such as congestion, pollution, noise, infrastructure damage, and deterioration of quality of life.

Laser Scanning Aggregates for Real Time Property Identification

The objectives of this research proposal have been divided into two phases to address the major issues of concern. Phase I includes a thorough literature review and assessment of laser technology to be utilized for real-time characterization of aggregate properties in the laboratory, while Phase II addresses field implementation and training of personnel.

One Standard For All. Criminal Background Checks for Taxicab, For-Hire, and Transportation Network Company (TNC) Drivers

In the last year or so, a nationwide discussion has been sparked regarding the accuracy, reliability, and adequacy of the public safety requirements that are imposed on for-hire vehicle (“FHV”) providers. Much of the debate has centered around whether the breadth and scope of driver vetting requirements imposed on drivers providing services through new transportation network companies, or “TNCs,” are comparable to those vetting requirements that have been established for traditional for-hire vehicle providers.

Analysis of Environmental and Infrastructure Impacts of Transportation Activities Associated with High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing Operations in the Marcellus Shale Formation Using the Geospatial Intermodal Freight Transport (GIFT)

The natural gas extraction method, High-Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF), has a significant transportation component that impacts transport infrastructure and rural communities in both positive and negative ways. Estimates provided by the US Energy Information Administration put natural gas reserves of the entire Marcellus Shale formation, our area of interest, at 410.3 trillion cubic feet. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation estimates each Marcellus Shale well will require 625-1148 one-way truck trips for equipment, materials, and waste movement.

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