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Demonstrations of Urban Outdoor Lighting for Pedestrian Safety and Security

Objectives: The primary objective of the proposed series of urban outdoor lighting demonstrations is to validate prior research findings suggesting a role for enhanced perceptions of brightness and personal security under light sources varying in their spectral (color) content, and suggesting that pedestrian-level lighting in crosswalks and other conflict areas can enhance pedestrian safety by making them more visible to drivers in congested urban areas.

Energy, Ride Comfort and Road Handling of Regenerative Vehicle Suspensions

In this project we report a comprehensive assessment of the power that is available for harvesting in the vehicle suspension system and the tradeoff among energy harvesting, ride comfort, and road handing with analysis, simulations, and experiments. The excitation from road irregularity is modeled as a stationary random process with road roughness suggested in the ISO standard.

Energy Harvesting from Rail Track for Transportation Safety and Monitoring

An efficient electromagnetic energy harvester featured with mechanical motion rectifier (MMR) is designed to recover energy from the vibration-like railroad track deflections induced by passing trains. Comparing to typical existing vibration energy harvester technologies can only harvest sub-watts or milliwatts power applications, the proposed harvester is designed to power major track-side accessories and possibly make railroad independent from national grid.

Energy Harvesting from Rail Track for Transportation Safety and Monitoring

Abstract: An effi cient electromagnetic energy harvester featured with mechanical motion rectifi er (MMR) is designed to recover energy from the vibration-like railroad track defl ections induced by passing trains. Trackside electrical infrastructures for safety and monitoring typically require a power supply of 10-100 Watts, such as warning signals, switches, and health monitoring systems, while typical existing vibration energy harvester technologies can only harvest sub-watts or milliwatts power.

Vulnerability of Transportation System and Evacuation Plan for Coastal Flooding in Climate Change

This project develops a method for predicting coastal flooding considering climate change and sea level rise, and its impact on population and transportation network. In particular, a modeling framework has been proposed to predict flooding and estimate affected population and traffic systems needed for evacuation plans, and the following tasks have been conducted:

Data Driven Performance Measures for Effective Management of Complex Transportation Networks

This research aims to explore performance measures quantified based on different transportation data sources. It examined the major performance measures that can help describe both traffic operations and safety conditions. The available data sources that can be used to derive the performance measures were investigated. Particularly, performance measures related to travel time reliability, incident duration, and secondary crashes have been emphasized. Data-driven methodologies for performance quantification have been proposed for each category.

Data Driven Performance Measures For Effective Management of Complex Transportation Networks

In the past, transportation data was collected through the limited deployment of infrastructure-based sensors and manual spot counts and surveys. Massive on-line data being collected on a nearly 24/7 basis enable researchers and transportation managers alike to quantify a number of realistic “performance measures” that allow transportation agencies to make timely and proactive decisions.

Final Report - Freight Conference

While population increases, so do the demand for products and the freight traffic to deliver them. The increase in truck traffic creates many negative effects including increased traffic congestion, illegal parking and resting, incessant idling, and greenhouse gas and local pollutants emissions. Recently, many initiatives have been promoted to address this problem. The event presented cross-disciplinary perspectives on urban logistics using electric vehicles (EV) and other vehicles as a sustainable mobility transportation solution.

Panama Canal Expansion and the Economic Impacts on New York and New Jersey States

The objectives of this research are 1) to measure negative and positive estimates of Panama Canal expansion using secondary imports and exports data available from WISERTrade ( and 2) to understand the possible gains that New York and New Jersey states obtain. To increase container shipment capacity, the Panama Canal Authority in 2006 decided to invest more than $5 billion to expand the Canal. The expanded Canal will accommodate larger vessels that cannot now traverse the facility.

Relationships between public-private financing, speed, and rail infrastructure development

This study investigates the uses of public-private partnerships (P3’s) to finance infrastructure improvements for passenger trains running at “high speed.” It answers the following questions: is P3 financing best suited to construction of very high speed (vhs) rail projects or can it also be applied to projects that achieve “higher,” but not “very high” speed? If best suited to vhs development, why? If more broadly applicable, what precedents exist for applying P3 finance to less than vhs rail projects and in what specific circumstances?

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