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Year - 2013

Landfill Closure with Dredged Materials - Desktop Analysis

Traditional dredged material placement capacity in New Jersey is extremely limited. Traditionally, materials derived from dredging projects are placed in Confined Disposal Facilities (CDF). A CDF is an upland area that consists of an earthen dike in which dredged material is placed within. The NJDOT has recently inventoried and sampled the existing CDFs and has identified that these existing CDFs are reaching capacity.

Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System (ACS Lite) for Wolf Road, Albany, New York

Adaptive Control Software Lite (ACS-Lite) is a low cost signal timing optimization system that dynamically adjusts signal timing to meet current traffic demands. Through a public-private partnership between FHWA, Siemens, The University of Arizona, Purdue University, Siemens/Eagle, Econolite, Quixote/Peek and McCain Traffic ACS-Lite was developed. As stated in the RFP field tests of ACS-Lite have resulted in estimated annual user cost savings ranging between $88,000 and $757,000.

Prediction of Impact on Transport System due to Coastal Flooding under Climate Change Conditions

Global warming and climate change are reshaping our world in many ways. One of their most obvious evidences is sea level rise due to melting of polar glaciers and arctic ice. It is estimated that global sea level rise is at an alarming rate of 0.18cm/yr during 1961-2003, it is even higher at 0.3cm/yr during 1993-2003, and research estimates that sea level could range from 0.8 to 2 m by 2100 under glaciological conditions.

Innovative Freight Logistics Partnering in the Material Reuse Sector

New York City’s Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability issued an updated version of PlaNYC, the city’s comprehensive long range plan to improve the environment and quality of life for future New Yorkers, in April 2011. Among many goals stated in the plan, the city aims to divert 75 percent of solid waste from landfills by 2030.1 A primary initiative identified to achieve this goal is to increase material reuse in the city.

Conduct Urban Agglomeration with the Baton of Transportation

The goal of this study is to identify transportation planning strategies that will lead to envisioned smart growth patterns. In pursuit of this goal, the study aims at achieving two objectives: (1) understand the dynamic working process of planning strategies and (2) design efficient transportation policies and investment plans that will result in optimal agglomeration patterns. Most urban areas today are either experiencing notable deagglomeration or agglomeration.

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