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Year - 2012

Demand for Public Transport in Germany and the USA: An Analysis of Rider Characteristics

This paper first provides a brief review of trends in public transport demand from 1980 to 2010 in 16 countries inEurope,NorthAmerica, andAustralia.The focus, however, is ona detailed analysis of public transport demand in Germany and the USA, using uniquely comparable national travel surveys from2001/2002 and 2008/2009 for both countries. Public transport has been farmore successful in Germany than in the USA, with much greater growth in overall passenger volumes and trips per capita.

Freight Demand Estimation from Secondary Sources

This report explains how to estimate freight demand using secondary source of data such as traffic counts. Freight origin-destination (OD) matrices are one of the most important data elements a planner could have, which is why a significant amount of effort, time and money is spent on their estimation. The estimation of OD matrices can be done by: (a) direct sampling methods; and, (b) using secondary data sources such as traffic counts. The latter techniques are referred to here as origin-destination synthesis (ODS).

Transport, Environment & Security

Book Synopsis

Effective means of transport are critical under both normal and extreme conditions, but modern transport systems are subject to many diverse demands. Synthesizing existing data, new analyses, and a rich set of case studies, the book uses transportation networks as a framework to draw together the typically conflicting arenas of transport, the environment and security, and provides collective solutions to their respective issues and challenges.

Develop Consultant Management Estimating Tools

State transportation agencies typically negotiate
with designers to determine the cost and
staffi ng levels for the design of highway and
bridge infrastructure. In the traditional Design-
Bid-Build project format the design consultants
are selected based on the merit of their proposal.
After the designer is selected, the designer enters a
negotiation with the state transportation agency to
determine the design fee and the allowable billable
hours for the various design activities.

Develop Consultant Management Estimating Tools

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Consultant Management Bureau’s primary responsibilities are to negotiate staffing hours/resources with engineering design consultants, and to monitor the consultant's costs. Currently the Consultant Management Bureau uses knowledge of past and current projects as well as engineering judgment to estimate consultant costs.

The proposed research will focus on several major issues:

New York City Park and Ride Study

This study reviewed existing practices in Park and Ride planning, developed a methodology for evaluating candidates, and applied the methodology to the commuter market in New York City. The team identified a set of candidates based on availability for Park and Ride use and transit connectivity. The candidates were evaluated using potential demand, savings, market share, and present value of benefits as performance measurements.

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