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Year - 2011

Feasibility Study for Freight Data Collection

The New York City (NYC) metropolitan region is home to close to 20 million residents, more than 600,000 business establishments, more than 1.3 million registered trucks, and more than 8.8 million employees. Every year, more than 80 million trucks cross the toll facilities administered by the various transportation agencies (New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, 2004). This traffic translates into a total amount of cargo of about 200 million tons. The bulk of these goods accounts for 79% of the region’s goods while the national average is 44%.

Barricade Lighting System

Barricade warning lights have been used for many years at construction sites to indicate to drivers that caution is needed. A benefit of these warning lights is that they are widely recognized and understood, but a downside is that "caution" is the only message that they are able to communicate. Drivers may not know what action should be taken until additional information is available, or it is too late.

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