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Evaluation of the Performance of Reflection in Raised Pavement Markers

This project evaluated New Jersey Department of Transportation’s three year fixed schedule re-striping program to see if it is consistent with the actual service life of the pavement markings. One of the primary tasks was to develop a threshold value of retroreflectivity below which a pavement marking will no longer be considered “bright enough” to be useful for motorist nighttime guidance.

Evaluation of the NJDOT Transportation Management Association Grant Program

The NJDOT TMA Grant Program gives qualified TMAs up to $400,000 annually to carry out traffic reduction and clean air initiatives. These dollars have funded the implementation of important national and state mandates. They have given the TMAs a stable financial base, diminishing the need for private funds. These subsidies however, have necessarily moved the TMAs away from a private focus. Consequently, the TMAs have less motivation to champion the needs of their private and local constituents.

Evaluation and Testing of Regional Models

Project Objective

The goal of this study is to assist the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) to develop, test, revise, and use regional transportation models in support of its planning and public policy activities. The project will address the complete system of analytical tools being supported by NYMTC, including the Best Practice Model (BPM), as well as the full range of data collection efforts and simulation and data reporting tools that support and complement its capabilities. Its primary objectives will be to help NYMTC:

Effects of Overweight Vehicles on NYSDOT’S Infrastructure

The U.S. highway system is continuously experiencing heavier and more frequent commercial truck traffic. Simultaneous to the increase in heavy vehicle miles traveled, the issuance of permits for overweight trucks has grown by more than 13% since 1997 (AASHTO/FHWA, 2007). The census bureau estimates that in New York State, the Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) by trucks weighing over 26,000 lbs increased by 15.7% from 1997 to 2002.
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