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Traveler Information Application for Route 1 and Route 18 Corridors

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) seeks to develop a hands-free Mobile Application (app) platform to aid travelers by offering travel information that utilizes the data it currently collects from its real-time transportation information systems and includes additional travel related information such as transit and shuttle schedules and availability of parking.

Calibration/Development of Safety Peformance Functions for New Jersey

The predictive models in the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) is based on the Safety Performance Functions (SPFs), which is a statistical regression model based on observed crash data from similar facility types and estimates the predicted average crash frequency the base conditions. To account for differences between the base conditions and the specific conditions of the facility site, accident modification factors (CMFs) are utilized to adjust the prediction to account for the geometric design and traffic control features of the specific site.

Connected, Autonomous, and Shared Vehicle Impacts Study

New York, with its unique culture of urban mobility innovation, global interconnectedness, and shifting demographics, offers an important locale for identifying strategies for and barriers to integrated, multimodal system environments that are supportive of self-driving vehicles, multiple additional emerging technologies, new policies and predictive analytics that encompass critical behavioral science insights.

Demonstration of Virtual Transportation Management Strategies for Smart Cities in NY

In metropolitan areas, poorly managed traffic signal systems can have significant negative impacts on traffic conditions. Ineffective management, operation, and maintenance of traffic signals contributes to almost 300 million vehicle-hours of delay annually. Despite these turbulent conditions, technology is advancing rapidly and new ideas are providing fresh ways to handle problems related to congestion. However, many local municipal roadway systems lack the same level of technology as state and county systems, in many cases degrading that critical first and final legs of the journey.

Drone/Unmannned Aircraft System (UAS)

FAA Advisory Circular 107-2 provides guidance on the regulation of UAS in the NAS, however, AC 107-2 does not provide, nor is it intended to provide, a legal interpretation of the regulations. Rather, this advisory is provided as best practice methods for developing operational programs scaled to specific small unmanned aircraft (UA), associated system equipment, and operations in combination with agency’s operational details and local laws in New Jersey.  Some of the laws local impacting the implementation of these guidance in New Jersey are privacy laws and motor vehicle laws.

Effects of Foreign Participation on U.S. High Speed Rail Projects

After the end of World War 2, American passenger railroads declined when they were unable to compete profitably with automobile and airline transport. In 1971, the federal government nationalized passenger service, and eliminated over half of existing passenger lines. Meanwhile, during this same period, many foreign countries were developing and building new high speed train lines: Japan, in 1964; France, in 1981; followed by other Asian, European, and Scandinavian countries.

Inferring High-Resolution Individual’s Activity and Trip Purposes with the Fusion of Social Media, Land Use and Connected Vehicle Trajectories

Inferring Individual’ activity and trip purposes is critical for transportation and travel behavior. State-of-Art trip purpose inference is conducted by GIS and land use data. However, there exist two major challenges: 1) how to identify accurate trip purposes in a high business density area with various possibilities of activities. 2) how to recognize high-resolution activities, which are much more than typical trip purposes (home, work, recreation, personal business, education, etc.) in existing literature.

CMAQ Performance Plan Phase I

The Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) program was created to support all areas of non-attainment that did not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Currently under MAP-21, the Federal Highway Administration has provided funding to state and local transportation governments for projects which will reduce traffic congestion and vehicular emissions.

Exploring Applications for Unmanned Aerial Systems and Unmanned Ground Systems in Enhanced Incident Management, Bridge Inspection, and Other Transportation-related Operations

While the dream of an automated vehicle-highway system has been around for some time, we are witnessing a convergence of technologies that promise to make that dream a reality. Connected vehicle technology and other intelligent transportation systems (ITS) have potential to dramatically transform safety and mobility on the United States’ roadways. These technologies include advances in wireless communications, sensing, control, computing, and automation. The U.S.

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