UTRC Press Release
Friday, January 31, 2014
Contact: Nadia Aslam
Assistant Director for Technology Transfer
University Transportation Research Center - Region 2
Tel: 212-650-8051
Email: nadia@utrc2.org
The University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) Publishes the Final Report: "A Decision Support Model to Understand Route Choice Decisions and Siting of Facilities in Emergency Evacuation"
UTRC has released a final report for the research titled: "A Decision Support Model to Understand Route Choice Decisions and Siting of Facilities in Emergency Evacuation", funded by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration/USDOT (RITA). The principal investigators were Dr. Camille Kamga, an assistant professor of Civil Engineering at The City College of New York (CUNY) and Dr. Satish Ukkusuri, an associate professor at Purdue University.
In this research, we present the results of a behavior model to capture different routing strategies executed by evacuees during hurricane evacuation by using a random‐parameter logit‐based modeling approach. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to model evacuees’ strategic behavior for evacuation routing decisions using a random‐parameter model. A probabilistic model incorporating the demographic characteristics of evacuees and evacuation related characteristics would predict the routing behavior of evacuees’ in a better way. Several important factors, for example, household’s geographic location, number of children, evacuees’ income and age, timing and medium of evacuation notice, etc. influence household’s evacuation routing decision which are found from our empirical analysis.
The full report is available for a free download at the UTRC website: http://www.utrc2.org/publications/decision-support-model-emergency-evac…
About the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC)
The University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) is a USDOT Regional Transportation Center addressing surface transportation operations, management, design economics and planning. The Region 2 University Transportation Research Center is one of ten original National Centers, established in 1987, in recognition that transportation plays a key role in the nation’s economy and in the quality of people’s lives. Located at the City University of New York, the Center is a Consortium of 17 major Academic Institutions in New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico. Through the Grant supporting the Center, the mission incorporates research, education and the transfer of technology in the field of transportation. Academically based, the work of Faculty and Students – graduate and undergraduate provide a critical link in resolving our national and regional transportation problems while training the future and current professionals who address our transportation system and their customers on a daily basis. For more information, visit www.utrc2.org.